Hi All!
I've been told to post my msg here... I'm not quite sure about this, should i post all iPod related bugs/problems here?
Anyway, here's my original post (i'm currently using 0.74):
Sorry for the large text, but my issues are a little complicated to explain...
My smartlists still do not sync correctly to my G3 iPod. I've created about 400 of them. When i do a sync, there's always one smartlist on the iPod that has some strange characters as first two letters of the smartlist's name. Inside MC, i can see the smartlists and the tracks on the iPod - if MC is not crashing when i click on the "+" sign of the "Playlist" tree node, which is happening one or two times after the sync. If i eject, the iPod shows no playlists. I've tried this several times, and i've initialized the iPod before trying. I even have tried to reduce the number of smartlists a little, but the effect was the same.
Another strange thing i've noticed is the following behaviour: on the "synchronice handheld player" dialog, if i click on the "select none" button, the number showing the available space after the sync is correctly resetted. Now, if i click on the tree node containing my 400+ smartlists, and select "select all subitems", the available space number stays the same for some seconds. In version prior to 0.70, that was the point where MC would "lock" the applications while calculating the free space. The newer versions are acting differently: i can click on "Start", and MC will start synching - but will delete a large number of files on the iPod (i have "delete unselected..." on). it seems that MC is not ready calculating free space (or "flagging" the smartlists), and so it syncs only part of the smartlists.
I _never_ had problems synching the large number of smartlists to the iPod with MC before 0.70.