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Author Topic: Summary of requested Hairstyle changes.  (Read 1936 times)


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Summary of requested Hairstyle changes.
« on: January 06, 2004, 04:27:28 pm »

OK - To blatently copy NocodeUK's idea this is my attempt at summarising the requests for hairstyle development in this thread.  I've not listed any features that have recently been added and I've tried not to duplicate variations of a request.

Browsing and navigation
  • Display task orientated options like 'Start a slideshow', 'Watch A Movie'
  • Speed up thumbnail view (possibly by thumbnail caching like in mega-me).
  • Allow different view modes for different levels of a VS.  E.g. Let me show Album Thumnails only when I've drilled down to the list of albums.
  • Show details or thumbnails according to settings for each VS  in mega-me
  • A "Show All" on the right menu
  • The ability to quickly navigate to other key areas (e.g. Media Library root) even if you are nested deep into a view scheme.
  • Assign functions to the number keys, so if you see an item on the screen you can just press its number.
  • Jukebox mode with cover and track listing together.
  • Allow the track listing to be configured using calc fields (e.g. Artist – Name).
  • Allowing the last level of a view scheme (the track listing) to be suppressed from view enabling me to configure the last pane with a calc field of my choice.
  • Touch-Screen Support: all functions reachable by left mouse-click, no right clicks, no wheels, big buttons
  • A hot key (backspace maybe) or mjextman command for 'back'.
  • Separate the music list from the function list when navigating so left button just takes you back without having to go to the function list first.
  • From ANY screen we should be able to bring up the config menu and change settings then close this screen just like we now can do with playing now.
  • Provide the ability to do a simple search for an artist or track with the remote.
  • On a touch screen monitor can we have some way to select page up and page down. It's not currently possible in long lists to scroll to the end.
  • When users hold down the down arrow don't continue scrolling when it's released. Currently you have to wait while MC continues scrolling way down the list.
  • During the current MC session Remember the current position in HS so you can return there after toggling into mega me / Vis.
  • When browsing the media library in HS show an indicator against any tracks that are already added to PN.
Display / Look / Skin
  • Changeable fonts and colours
  • Permanently show which song is playing now
  • Mega-me-style 'currently playing' area that is always visible.
  • Option to switch to full screen visualistation after x seconds of no activity
  • Hairstyle should be skinnable and thus completely customisable. The skin interface should be one easily usable by end-users, not just developers.
  • Ability to add/remove/customize buttons
  • More control over text size with ability of buttons to 'stretch' to fit text in them.
  • Do not stretch pictures to fit the entire thumbnail
  • Display not only on tv screens, but also on minute pda's or pocket pc's
  • Support for Flash
  • Allow different display for different zones
  • Skinning documentation
  • A new name (HTPC mode)
  • Bring back the facility to select Visualisations from Hairstyle.  There's currently no way easy to select a Vis. even with Girder, without reaching for the mouse.
  • Fall back to Hairstyle automatically on stop (remember last position). So you aren't looking at a black page if using trackinfo/vis.
  • Lock in hairstyle mode preventing access to mega me.
  • Some sort of client/server implementation, Hairstyle being an independent frontend to the MC database
  • Allow other features to be added by users via plugins
  • In line with many other apps use space to select not to play
  • Right Mouse click toggles full screen vis and hairstyle.
  • Option in "Edit View Scheme": Do not show in hairstyle mode
  • Customise the behaviour associated with enter (e.g. Play or Add as next to play etc)
  • More play options (especially add as next to play)
  • More control over behaviour of media types on selection (jump to full screen IF VIDEO, dont jump on audio, jump on images, etc).
  • Add/Remove details from TV Mode (like Current track etc..)
  • Voice control
  • Allow MC to be exited directly from the HS interface (Note this can be done now with Girder and a remote or with a programmable hot key command on a multimedia Keyboard via the command mjextman.exe /Power)
  • Provide a command or startup option that allows HS to be launched in a particular VS or menu other than the root.
  • Refresh Playing Now instantly after Reshuffle.  Currently you have to exit and return.
  • Provide an option to remove single tracks from PN.
  • Allow tracks to be moved up or down the PN list.
For each feature you would like to see added please create a brief summary in the original thread.  I'll try to keep this list up to date, time permitting.

Last updated 25 Jan 04.


  • Guest
Re:Summary of requested Hairstyle changes.
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2004, 09:27:20 am »

I've updated the list above.  Keep the suggestions coming.


  • Guest
Re:Summary of requested Hairstyle changes.
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2004, 04:01:01 am »

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