MultiInfo is a track info template for Media Center 9/10

It uses cascading style sheets (CSS).
This makes it possible to configure the template for almost every MC-skin.
After installing the template for
Thunderstorm is used.
Style-sheets for some other skins are included in the package.
Here are the links:MultiInfo V1.10Download MultiInfo MJPDownload MultiInfo ZIPVersion historyV1.00first release
V1.01added some space between the different tab-areas
changed 'Vis' to 'Vis1' and 'Vis2': lets you choose where to display the visualization
V1.02Added some space on the top (for use in fullscreen-mode)
Changed the stylesheet-definition: now it is very easy to modify the box-width and the vis-size (see multiinfo.css)
V1.03Changed the stylesheet-definition: added parameters for vis-positions (see multiinfo.css)
V1.04Changed the stylesheet-definition: added parameter for box-height (see multiinfo.css)
V1.05Changed the stylesheet-definition: added parameters for fonts (see multiinfo.css)
V1.06Some small layout-changes.
Removed vis2 (as you can define the position of the vis, this is no longer necessary)
Splitted the css-file in two files: multiinfo_base for genereal definitions; multiinfo_skin for skin-specific definitions
(thanks to cascius for some really good
V1.07Added parameters for different positions in the css-file: pos for visualization-toggle, pos for up/down-buttons, pos for navigation-buttons
V1.10Reworked css-system
Added 'setup'-section: lets you quickly change the used skin/layout