Does anyone (Matt) want to try to tackle a smartlist for me using this new feature. I might not be hard, but i can't figure it out.
Here is my story...
I use RipCast to record streaming mp3 files. I then use EncSpot Pro to analyze these files for sync errors. I select all of the files with errors, and update the tag info in bulk to put "Artifacts" in the comments field. Then I select everything with no errors, and update the comment to say "Good". Fnally, I find the few that it didn't read properly and have no info and change all of them to say "Test" I then import them into MC and use the "Imported playlists" to show what tracks came from which stations, and update the tags to reflect whatever station they came from, and what Genre they are.
I will record around 2500 songs in a couple of days, but many of those are duplicates, either of themselves, or in my Library. Here's where the smartlist comes in to play.
I want a smartlist to find all of the duplicates (Name, Artist, Station, Genre), and use this new command to remove all of the duplicates (anywhere form 1 to 6 duplicates per song is common), but I want to keep the one marked "good" in comments , and the one with the longest duration. I would like to just find them (the various bad duplicates) with the list, then just select them all and delete them manually, which is fine. I realize that this list might only give me the one song I want to keep, instead of the dups, in which case I will add one more tag field, and update the results of this list to say "keep", then use the other find dups list I have, and sort by that filed, and mass delete the ones not marked keep. This might not work so well though, so the other way would be much better. (see below)
However, I don't want to delete the song if it is rated, and the one to keep is not rated, so I'll probably have to make sure they are dups in that field also.
Then, I'll use the list I already have to find duped based on name and artist only, and manually copy the ratings, and station, and genre to the ones that don't match, then run the other smartlist again the get rid of the songs I just copied info from.
I hope that makes some sense, but more importantly, I hope someone else will find a use for this smartlist, and have the knowledge to write it, and most importantly, share it with the rest of us.
Please let me know if you are interested in helping me with this (or just doing it), and I'll try to clarify more if necessary. I'll also be happy to share my library, which currently has about 1000 dups to use for designing.