I received an email this morning making some sort of announcement about MJ9 and media center and upgrades.What does itmean in simple langfuage. I own a license to MJ8 which purchased several months ago.
whgat does this announcement mean. You previously said that MJ8 licenses would have a free upgrade. Now thisa sdeemsa to reinforce that until Dec1then I would have to pay some sort of upgrade fee? then you talk about media center and emusic downloads.
You already have the mosr cumbersome and difficult licinsing/registration schem,es on the planet, and now it seems to be gewtting worse. I have been pretty much told I would get free upgrades and now you appear to be renigging on that. I would like a full and complete explanation aand update in basic simple language. or in the alternative a full and complete refund. Since you don;'t have a private avenue for this sort of email I am doing it this way.
I also intrend to put out a warbning aboputyour licensing schemes etc. unless I can understand. I have no problem paying for any pr9ductr but I do have a problem iwth is sort of confusing and potentially financially harmful behavior.