If Winamp's M3U file does not contain path information, how would it know what files to point to in various floders for playback?
It seems the Iriver can identify the winamp playlist andfind the files associated. But MC's playlist "confuses the Iriver even though the playlists were constructed from the Irivers directory structure.
MC wants to send all the files as well when you drag a plalist. But I have no way of know where those files will end up, or in what folders, or will they write over or duplicate the files already there.
Somehow WINAMP is "converting" the MC playlist so the Iriver CAN recognize it!
I would think a file extention is equal, in other words an M3u is the same format regardless of where it was created. It is a native winamp file extension and MC seems to want to "change" it somehow.
It would be nice if I could just use MC and not need the Winamp converter process for the Iriver to read M3U.
I drag and drop all my files to the Iriver in explorere THEN create playlists from the file structure in the Iriver so there should be no issue with path. I then load the exact file struture and playlists back to the notebook as a mirror of the Iriver........
Confused in LAs VEgas!