I had an issue with some protected AAC files from the iTunes music store over the weekend and am wondering if anyone can shed any light on the situation. First, a little history:
1) Downloaded 4 tunes from iTMS (on my Mac).
2) Imported & played songs in iTunes (on my Windows machine w/MC installed). This required the authorization step.
3) Put all 4 songs on my iPod with iTunes.
4) Deleted all 4 songs from my iPod w/iTunes.
5) Imported all 4 songs into MC. Some of the tags needed adjusting, so I did that.
6) Played songs in MC -- worked fine.
7) Put all 4 songs on my iPod w/MC -- worked fine.
At this point, all was well. Some time passed & I had acquired 12 more songs from the iTMS (you know, they give a free song away each week). I downloaded them with the Mac & imported them into MC, but didn't put them on my iPod.
This weekend, I finally got around to putting the songs on the iPod, and lo & behold, none of the new songs played! If I selected one to play from the iPod, the iPod showed the track info, then skipped the song.
I sighed, then followed the steps I used earlier for all my m4p tracks. This time, only 3 tracks would play on the iPod (but they were not 3 of the original 4).
I then initialized my iPod w/MC & tried just using MC to download the songs, again, only 3 of the 16 played.
Finally I got drastic. I updated the firmware on the iPod to the latest version & used MC to initialize & download again. Again, only 3 songs played.
I gave up. Reformatted the iPod to factory defaults. Followed my initial steps (downloaded all 16 tracks to iPod w/iTunes, delete, download all 16 tracks w/MC). This worked! I then restored the remainder of my music.
Sorry for the long post, but here come the questions...
1) Any idea what was going on here?
2) Any idea why some iTMS tracks don't have their tags read by MC10?
3) Any idea why (even after successfully downloading my m4p tracks to the iPod w/MC) MC can't play back all my m4p files from my iPod?