Devices > PC's and Other Hardware

10 most wanted\needed items

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re: Headphones

These are Sony's take on noise reduction in-ear, the catchily-named "MDR-EX71"

Check them out here:

They do take a while to get used to, as they really do sit in your ear... but after a few goes you'll forget they're there.

The bass response is amazing!! A couple of times I've had to double-check they're plugged in and I'm not deafening the neighbourhood!! ;D

Buy them now... you know you want to!!! 8)


P.S. I work for neither Sony nor Amazon ;)

Any one have any infor on the Bose noise reduction headphones?  The earbud types would be much easier to pack about, but then there's the getting the size right thing without being able to first try before you buy.  Am going to my local Sony store as well as the best music equip place here on the island...A&B Sound and check their stuff out, too.  But I'd like to get some views from users rather than people who's job it is to sell the stuff.  thanks B

I should have added that the Sonys come with 3 differently-sized ear fittings.

Both me and my mate find the default mid-size perfect (errr... he has his own set! :)) so I wouldn't worry too much about that.


Connecting the "wanted" with the "needed" is the challenge in my house. ;)


I hear you, Tim...but dreamin' is always allowed!  And the headphones are more of a "want" even though the rest of my family members are oft heard to complain that i have my tunes too loud!!!!!  There were no broken windows. so what's the prob??  It's OK to have your car bouncing down the street, but Mum can't blast her tunes??!! nowadays!


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