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Author Topic: Tricky Smartlist question  (Read 1065 times)


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Tricky Smartlist question
« on: April 20, 2004, 03:18:00 pm »

I tried searching through the board and couldn't find any info on this, so I'll raise it as a new question. I know that MC has the Album Artist field which means that, for a compilation album, I can have the artist field represent the individual artist for a particular song while album artist remains "Multiple" or "Various". But is there a similar functionality for dates? If I have a Greatest Hits album that came out in 1999, but is full of songs that were originally released in the 70s, what is the best way to distinguish this fact when creating smartlists? What I have been doing is to add 70s as a keyword and then in creating a 70s smartlist I have it filter on either keyword 70s or date 1970-1979. But by this logic, the songs from this album will show up in both the 70s smartlist AND the 90s smartlist (because my 90s smartlist is configured similarly). I'd prefer not to have to enter info in the keyword field for all albums, just for those where there is a discrepency between the album release date and the song release dates. Any advice?


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Re:Tricky Smartlist question
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2004, 03:46:53 pm »

try something like:

[Date (year)]=99 [Keyword]=[]
this will give you albums from 99, but which also have the keyword field blank

[Date (year)]=99 -[Keyword]=[70's]
this will give you albums from 99, and not anything with keyword=70's

with a bit of fine tuning you should be able to get what you need


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Re:Tricky Smartlist question
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2004, 11:57:09 am »

Ah, of course. Thanks for the tip!

Now here's another one that I haven't been able to figure out. You know how some radio stations have "Two for Tuesdays" where they play two songs in a row by a single artist? Well, the new ~limit modifer is great for this because I can easily set up a smartlist that is limited to two songs from every artist. But what's driving me crazy is control over the sorting. If I select random sort then the two songs by a particular artist will not be played back to back. And if I sort by artist then the playlist will always go in artist name order - this is ok, but what I'd love to be able to do is to do a random sort that keeps the artist and their songs together. Is this just wishful thinking on my part?  :)


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Re:Tricky Smartlist question
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2004, 02:57:53 pm »

i understand the question, but have no idea how you would do that...
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