Cover Art Finder, Ver 0.0.15MC: v10.0.118 (registered)
I had 7 items in the playlist, 6 of which had a "folder.jpg" ready to be batch processed. The "save as folder.jpg" option was selected on.
When I clicked on the file I knew I was missing a cover for (2nd item in the list), the plug-in correctly went off to the Internet to search for a suitable jpg. Before it had completed the search, I had clicked through the other playlist items, to check their covers were ok before batch processing.
When the search finally completed, the plug-in overwrote the existing folder.jpg for the item I was looking at, as well as saving in the correct folder for the missing item.
I don't think this is how it's expected to work? It was certainly a surprise to me...
Generally I am very pleased with the plug-in -- it's certainly much more helpful than the MC default "all cover art in one folder".
However, I find I'm switching off the "search Internet" option, as the art returned never seems to be as good as a manual search of the same 3 sites you're using (w..., a... and v...) -- usually the 2nd one produces better results.
Please don't take this as negative criticism though, I really do love the plug-in -- great work!
