I recently hooked up my computer to a second monitor...
my 60" LCD projection TV! Picture looks great..MC looks sensational
on it.
One of the reasons I did this was so I could listen to my music collection and view the cover art and additional scans for each album
on screen while I'm listening (great for parties!). This works great,
except when in shuffle mode. I have a playlist of, let's say, my entire
Beatles collection. Folder.jpg's (plus more) are in each albums folder.
But when playing a track from let's say Abbey Road, cover art from
all of the Beatles folders are displayed, not just Abbey Road.
I assumed that Slideshow got what .jpgs were displayed from the
playing now track, and that even in shuffle mode, it would still
display the correct cover. etc, for the currently playing track, then
switch cover art when the next random (shuffle) track was played.
Since this doesn't seem to work, is there some way I'm missing to get slideshow to do what I'm drescribing? Any help is appreciated....