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Author Topic: 10. NEW: Searching inside of documents is possible. (search the field [Text])  (Read 1811 times)


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Hi Guys,

10. NEW: Searching inside of documents is possible. (search the field [Text])

Not sure I understand how thinks work, Can you explaine?


From the v11 Bug Thread
CDvd Wrote:

It's not clear to me too...
If this mean typing <[Text]="Some text inside an imported document"> , it don't work...
I think .doc files are binary ones, so searching inside from MC will mean that :
(a) MC understand this format ?
(b) the document is read and put (duplicated) inside the library ?

Doing so with OpenOffice files will be really simpler (they are xml based), are you planning to handle theses files?

At least I am not alone in trying to figure this out.... Matt can you through us a hint or 3??


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You're correct that you can type [text]="abc" to search for the string "abc".  But it isn't fully functional yet.  It may work on some docs but not all.

Doc file reading isn't yet part of the program, but it should be shortly.

My guess is that it currently works on txt files and maybe html.  Also source code files.


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Thanks Jim...

This is a really cool function that you guys added (Doc Handling). I am moving and organizing all my files now...



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Thanks Jim...

This is a really cool function that you guys added (Doc Handling). I am moving and organizing all my files now...


Don't do it yet.  Database changes will be lost with the next alpha.

This should stop happening by the end of next week.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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That's OK, there named in such a way that I can easily recreate.


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I just can't get my head around this.  Why on earth would you want to use Media Center to manage documents?  I'm confused by this new direction in MC's development  cycle ?

Documents are boring.  They are not meant to be managed - just saved and closed when you finish work.  I open Media Center when I want to forget about work and have fun.


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I open Media Center when I want to forget about work and have fun.

You will continue being able to do that.  Version 11 will bring a lot of great (even fun) features to the table.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • Citizen of the Universe
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I just can't get my head around this.  Why on earth would you want to use Media Center to manage documents?  I'm confused by this new direction in MC's development  cycle ?

Documents are boring.  They are not meant to be managed - just saved and closed when you finish work.  I open Media Center when I want to forget about work and have fun.

I am in the process of setting my files up at work for MC... I have a few things now and so far it has saved me time not having to look for things... I am looking forward to the development of this....
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