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Author Topic: Tags on images, are they standard or for mediacenter only?  (Read 1150 times)


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Tags on images, are they standard or for mediacenter only?
« on: June 27, 2004, 10:28:38 am »

Hi Guys

I'm testing out the MediaCenter and like what I'm seeing, but I have one question regards tags on images..

Back in the old days a fried of my tagged up many MP3 songs in one program just to find out that the info did not go into id3 tags and therefore were saved in the program and not with the files...

Therefore I have always been sure to do my tagging in the id3 tags, and not "just" within some program. But how about tags on images? I can see that I can put tags on them in mediacenter and choose "save lib to file".
But is this some kind of standardtag? If I'm using this picture somewhere else or sends it to a friend will the tags then be usefulll?

Best regards


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Re:Tags on images, are they standard or for mediacenter only?
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2004, 11:59:42 am »

if a standard is used by only one program, is it still a standard?

The data is stored in the file, in an XML based format from what i remember.

Other programs could use this format, but none to my knowledge do.

If future programs were flexible, they would be able to map to MC's format.

This is not JRiver's fault in any way, there is just not consensus in the industry as to what the standard tagging should be.  There are professional standards, but they are way to complex for personal use.

hope this helps.


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Re:Tags on images, are they standard or for mediacenter only?
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2004, 12:38:53 pm »

Image tags are JRiver tags and no other program currently uses them.

There are other standards, but they aren't flexible enough for our use.  Exif is an example.


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Re:Tags on images, are they standard or for mediacenter only?
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2004, 02:38:25 pm »

okay thanks
I just wanted to know how it works before spending a lot of time tagging my pictures  8)

I also read in another thread about the export opptunity, so it is okay with me :)



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Re:Tags on images, are they standard or for mediacenter only?
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2004, 10:49:14 pm »

don't want to hijack the thread, but could you tell me which tags are standard and which are unique to MC. I use MC almost exclusively but like the idea that the tags can be read by other programs...

Audio - Standard?
Video - ?
Image - unique to MC

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