Please can someone help me?
I've found that if I disable WMDM I get a new option on the device's right-click menu, "Rearrange upload folders". This lets me select from a preset list of folder structures, but none of these work for my needs. I want my files sent to:
[Album Artist (auto)]\[Album]
If I select "Use filename path" it does work as I need, except I get the full path including the parent folders I use on my main hard drive.
My main collection uses the naming format:
Base Folder:- D:\Media\Music
Folder scheme:- [Media Type]\[Album Artist (auto)]\[Album]
My MP3 player mounts as drive G:, and when I sync the files go to:
G:\Media\Music\[Media Type]\[Album Artist (auto)]\[Album]
With all these parent folders, it takes a while to navigate in the player. Instead I want files sent to:
G:\[Album Artist (auto)]\[Album]
Is this not possible?
Also, where can I find out more about how synchronisation works, in terms of how the original files are linked to their handheld counterparts?