1- When a view uses Album Thumbnails, if you hover over a thumbnail the tooltip will give the correct Album and Artist,
BUT indicates the incorrect number of tracks and disk space.
You will get a message that there are "too many tracks to list" and the number of tracks indicated is for ALL the album thumbs showing instead of only the one you are hovering over.
(i.e. - status bar shows "6 albums, 109 tracks, 675mb", tooltip for ANY ONE thumbnail will report the same. If you click on one thumbnail the Status Bar will report the correct number of tracks and disk space for that album, BUT the ToolTip still reports the total for all thumbs showing))
2- After making tag and/or filename changes within MC11, when importing files MC reports: "Updating Library to Match External Changes".
Since I use MC for all my tag and filename changes, I cannot understand the message received that there were 'outside changes' to be updated. Could this be caused by MC using a cache?
1- Change "Image > Quick find in file / cover art directory" so it is NOT case-sensitive
2- Incorporate an empty folder search & removal function as a library Import/Update option.