Still haven't sorted out this tagging thing...I uninstalled, reinstalled and all my tags were still "Blues" Haven't a clue as to why or how they got that wayas they were fine the day before. Tried to check them via WMP and some were ok and some had changed to "Blues" ( the vast majority, I'm afraid). Faced with the daunting task of retagging 13,000+ files, I removed my library, chose a new external drive, and did a sync with my Nomad. Then I checked the tags, they were right, and copied them to my main media drive. Removed the library (after backing it up, of course
) , reimported and now it was fine again...except for the stuff that I hadn't synced before this happend. they were all, you guessed it - tagged as "Blues". The drive that has all my media on it was just defragmented - and I noticed during the process that one of my autoupdates downloaded and installed (but to a different drive). Could this have been the culpret? I hadn't changed any settings in MC - at least not that I planned on! The thing I have learned...HAVE MORE THAN ONE BACKUP, 'cause sometimes everything screws up!