I have some usability complains about some improvements in TV :
** The new popup menu is (as always IMO) not as slick and beautifful than the .67 version. (due to the too simple uniform background?)
** Playing now :
- The menu is IMO sometimes very confusing with a lot of unnessary items
(for TV). I don't need Preset, Camera, Framerate and Speed to be quickly
accesible when unsing 3d visualisation!!! Nice to see it's dynamic, but it adds
confusion too.
- Can you put something (like up and down arrows) to let users know that the
left panel needs to be scrolled when it has not enough room to draw all
buttons. I was lost during a few seconds before understanding that it has
scrolled (and neeed to be scrolled).
- I think that the Home button (and the "back" one if it appers someday) should
be accessible and at the same position at all time. Instead it disapears when
you scroll down
Try this :
Put two files in playing now : an image and a video.
Go to Playing Now and try to enter the tools menu to rotate the image left (or right or whatever you want) while the image is still playing.
Now, if you wait a few second, (enough to let MC skip to the video) before choosing "Rotate Left", no changes will be done on the image.
Instead you'll have a menu you never asked for : "Home/aspect Rations/Configure Video/Controls" wich is the menu for Media Videos!
(Note : The Playing Now menu displays a "tools" button if an image was playing when you entered Playing Now. If it wasn't the case, play an image, go home and come back quickly or you won't have the "tools" button : totally inintuitive!)
** Now about the new "Controls" menu:
- the same odd things happens when using the "Controls" Menu (media relative buttons stands and does nothing when MC skins to another media Type)
- could you draw an arrow '>' in front of menu items that have a submenu?
(like the ones we have in every menu in MC (file>quick play>etc...)
- some controls like the "configure display" popups a standard window which has nothing to do in TV. It needs to be cancelled with mouse or esc key. I don't think remote users used to displaying Theater View on a TV (or a datashow or...) will like it.
When I'm testing Theater View I'm asking myself :
"How will react users that have no idea of what MC is?"
"How will react users that have no idea of how to use a computer?"
(my little brother, my grand mother or my wife if I have one)
IMHO not too well with this version... too bad since the previous I've played with (.67) was really clear and simple.
(Sorry for the long post, It's cool to have the opportunity to give my opinion, I hope I'm not abusing!