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Author Topic: Predixis MusicMagic Mixer  (Read 3319 times)


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Predixis MusicMagic Mixer
« on: September 18, 2004, 02:13:37 am »

It works great but I have to use their media browser to choose the initial seed songs.  It would be great if there was a MC plugin that allowed you to highlite songs in either the now playing or media library screens, right clkick them and hit mix then go and check the mix on their software.

I talked to one of their devlopers and he said, "We are opening up an HTML-based API to interact with MMM, so it would be possible for 3rd party developers to implement such things, if they get around to
it before we do."

They are also using it to help you find new music
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Re:Predixis MusicMagic Mixer
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2004, 04:52:22 pm »

Just tried this, but I have to say it is slow as molasses.  It takes forever just to locate the songs you have and then almost the entire length of the song to fingerprint it!  Moodlogic does each song in under a second and the find takes a few minutes for 10,000 songs.  Interesting idea, but they have to improve performance dramatically.

Michel Lefebvre

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Re:Predixis MusicMagic Mixer
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2004, 05:19:16 pm »

Same here....

It's been working at 100% CPU for the last 2 days!



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Re:Predixis MusicMagic Mixer
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2004, 02:19:26 am »

Moodlogic sucks.  I tried it and its primarily based on user input thus it actually lakes longer since alot of my tracks it couldn't find and so I gave up trying to submit each one.  Predixis initially will find most of your tracks from its database in a matter of minutes.  After that it then verifies each one providing 100% accurate results which is much better than moodlogic which is primarily subjective.

Performance wise I don't think they need to speed it up as computers are always getting faster and its a one time deal anyways.

What they need to do is allow for tighter integration in players like MC
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Re:Predixis MusicMagic Mixer
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2004, 01:54:28 pm »

Don't get me wrong, I'm giving it a try, but I think its going to take a long time to get through 20,000+ tracks and I can't use my system while it works.


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Re:Predixis MusicMagic Mixer
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2004, 03:15:29 pm »

20 thou is alot.  Is it still working on it?

Im thinking that the perfect implementation would be to select any number of songs from within MC, right click, select mix then view the mix within the action window and from there you can select which ones to send to playing now.  You could also from there use other predixis funcionality such as the options to select 'more like this', or 'less like this' etc..
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Re:Predixis MusicMagic Mixer
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2004, 12:08:19 am »

Unfortunately it doesn't support APE files.


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Re:Predixis MusicMagic Mixer
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2004, 01:09:26 am »

That sucks.  Since I use FLAC I didn't even think about the fact that most MC users are probably using APE.  So basically that means that there will probably never be any suppport for a plugin unless somehow I write it myself when predixis releases their latest version which will allow for plugin support.

The mixer really is great though as it consistently finds music that really makes sense!
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Re: Predixis MusicMagic Mixer
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2005, 03:06:51 am »

Just noticed this, i would like to see MC implement a similar functionality in v12.

MMM has cool features like creating a mix given a seed track. Was just looking at their forums and the closest i can find to how MMM does its thing is ..

"..We scan the waveform for all our analysis, and the analysis doesn't rely on any of the embedded metadata (so we don't read any BPM tags, for instance). We do have a tempo measurement, but this is not exposed currently. "

from here

MMM also offers fingerprinting too.
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