I have MC 10.0.155, not yet purchased.
I'm a little confused about the meaning of "favorites" as in View ->
Navigation -> Organize Favorites, and how the term is used in the
Smartlist Wizard. In the former it seems to be a special library
category, and in the latter it seems to mean "all tracks with a rating
of 4 or 5." Is this correct?
Anyway, though, my major question is this: I want to create a
smartlist to shuffle-play all of my favorite CDs in order. I do NOT
want to shuffle the tracks. In other words, as a simple example,
assume I've ripped 10 CDs into the MC audio library, and 3 of
these (A, B, and C) are my favorites. Such a smartlist might shuffle
those as, say, B-A-C. So playing the smartlist would mean I'd hear
all tracks from B, in order, followed by all tracks from A, in order, and
finally all tracks from C, in order.
Can I do this? I've already figured out how to add complete albums
to my "favorites," but, again, this appears to be something different
from the "favorites" as understood in the Smartlist Wizard....
Oh, one final question: I believe I saw, on the Nirvislist mailing list,
something about being able to create and edit smarlists directly,
with a text editor such as Vim or (blech) the Windows notepad. Is
this true? Where do I put/find the smartlists for manual editing?