I am trying to configure Media Server and I was wondering what options are included with it. The documentation associated with this particular part of the program is not too extensive, so I'm here to ask
To the point:
I have a pretty nice desktop system running an out of date operating system (by personal preference) and a pretty old/slow/whatever you want to call it laptop running Windows XP Pro which I would like to stream my data to. I have already successfully setup the Media Server to share my library and have tested its effectiveness from several locations (all of which have decent internet connection speeds). My desktop system has a TV tuner (which I'm having problems with, but have already posted a question to in another forum) and I was wondering if I could use the Media Server to stream input from the TV tuner to the laptop? In other words, I'm wondering if I can watch/control the TV from some random location using this program.
Another question: Can I choose specific portions of my library to share (like I want to share files in one directory but not in another) or do I have to create separate libraries for each of the categories (want shared and don't want shared, plus whatever else I come up with) and just share that library? Also, if I do have to create more libraries, is there any way using MC 10.0.173 to merge the libraries so I can take advantage of the whole MC concept of having everything in one place?
Thanks for your time