I think that cover art downloads for compilations do not work properly (unfortunately this includes KingSpartas as well.)
I have had a 90% failiure rate on these albums. Heres an example:
I have 'Acoustic' a compilation album. What I get is 'Acoustic' by John Lennon.
The first track on the Acoustic compilation is Badly Drawn Boy, so doing a search in amazon for 'Badly Drawn Boy Acoustic' will return zero (He doesn't have an album called Acoustic'.
So it then searches just on 'Acoustic', where I get this result...
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index%3Dmusic%26field-keywords%3Dacoustic%26store-name%3Dmusic/002-4942053-5208039My album is the second one, but John Lennons is first and thats what I get the cover art for.
If I do a search for 'Various Artists Acoustic'...tadaa...I get my Album.
That is why I asked on a previous thread if we could use the term Various Artists in:
Folder name (instead of Assorted!)
Panes (instead of Multiple Artists!)
Album Artist tag (instead of Blank!) - An option to auto fill this with 'Various Artists' if Album Artist(Auto) equals True, would be nice.
There is no consistancy...and the one term which 99% of the world use (Various Artists) is not used anywhere.
If these were changed and the cover art downloaders used the Album Artist tag instead of Artist, this whole problem would go away.
There are some other nice repercussions of these changes like being able to have Various Artists listed in Theatre View etc.
Please look into this for us and let me have your comments.
Kind Regards