How about allowing only dbl-click to set ratings instead of the single click as is the case currently.
I pointed out this problem a lot of time ago, and I see it is still unsolved.
The two obvious choices for “clicking on a rating star” show up a problem in coherence in the user interface.
Allowing to change the rating with a single mouse key click is unnatural. One generally asks for possibly “destructive” actions with a double mouse key click, while a single mouse key click is just for moving the pointer, or focus.
Allowing to change the rating with a double mouse key click is unnatural too, as double clicking should start playing the track under the cursor.
What about a “mouse gesture” like in the Opera browser? Click left, hold left down, then click right. If you change your mind and raise your left finger before you touch the right mouse button, the rating remains unchanged. As this is a rather strong change is the user interface paradigm, it should be left as an user option, and the user warned about it.