I think there would be another approach but you'll have to evaluate how time consuming could it be. It depends on the size of your collection.
Just create a new field named "Artist Sort". Populate the new field by copying all your current "Artist" field info using the relative feature (Copy fields?) under Library Tools.
Now a little work on your new field: Just leave it as it is for those artists/groups that you want to sort with their real name... for instance, Fleetwood Mac, Deep Purple, Travis, Coldplay... it will normally be the "groups". For the single artists such as Frank Zappa, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Waits or Van Morrison, change the info on the "Artist Sort" field to "Zappa, Frank", "Springsteen, Bruce" "Waits, Tom" or "Morrison, Van"... you only have to do it once for each artist currently in your collection.
Now, you can use the "Artist Sort" field in your view scheme instead of your standard "Artist" field.
Don't forget to fill the "Artist Sort" field every time you add new albums to your collection.
It should work... don't know if it will be worthy for you, though.