Thanks for the response. Is there any way to not have the second part of a split view always open up with "Start"? I realize "last location" has been taken away, which is sad, but at this point I would be satisfied with starting up anywhere other than "Start." Otherwise, having the split view feature may not be worth it, and I would probably go back to version 10. I know I'm really nit-picking-- sorry about that.
Thanks again.
While it's not going to stop me using 11, I agree with you over the 2nd split/start page thing. A mirror of split one seems most obvious choice, but that's just me and I'm no programmer, that's for sure
I have been dropping this in my bug reports, inspite of the fact that it's more of an irritant than a bug, so I'll echo here as it's a better place for discussion.
It's wierd, but I just feel this aversion to stuff that connects to the internet just because it can. I can't help it, I'm just wired that way I guess. If I choose to download a plugin from within MC, that's fine, because I chose to do it, things like the start page loading automatically or the browser opening upon registration irk me because I don't chose them. I'm a fully paid up user with nothing to hide, but if I apply my liscence file to MC, I'll make sure that browser will 404 before doing so. This type of thing is a downside of MC for me, and one I make sure anyone I recommend MC to is fully aware of. I'm pretty sure there's nothing devious going on, it's just that if I'm being involved in usage statistics, anonymous or otherwise, it should be by choice, not design. btw, does the TV area still do that too? I've honestly never gone there since it started that!!
ooops... where was I? oh yes, split views, that was it....
could the 2nd split possibly be allowed to start somewhere else other than the start page?