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Author Topic: OT to Zevele  (Read 2032 times)


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OT to Zevele
« on: October 24, 2002, 11:48:23 am »

Hi Zev!
I can't remember for sure, but was it you talking about a band called Pedro the Lion? (this was a while ago).

I saw them earlier this week, here in Minneapolis, and was quite impressed.



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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2002, 01:05:11 am »

Not only me,some others as well.
When we  got them on ....Emusic few months ago.

I would like very much to see them live.

Have a nice week end


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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2002, 06:27:06 am »

So did you make it to the Dead Sea?  What is it like there?  What did you do?

Glad you weren't made more holy.  Or, as we say, ventilated.


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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2002, 06:56:16 am »

Dead Sea was about  a work to do for an kibboutz hotel.
But there is no tourist,no money so i do not think  they will be able to spend on us.
Dead Sea is superd in his desolation,the landscapes are fantastic.It is so hot there,you cannot imagine.
Concerning the situation ,it is safe there.But the shorter road is not,you have to take the 2 sides of a triangle instead of one from Tel Aviv to there.
From Dead sea to Haifa for a concert,still with a sleepless nigth 'on the head'.
Friday part of the day in Haifa and back to a town near Tel-Aviv for an early evening 'street punk' concert.

After that  to a late rock concert in Tel-Aviv.
11 bands in 2 evenings!!!.Today a very quiet day.
And you would not find me at 3 or 4 AM on the forum ,this is sure.

Listening to ? on MJ8

Yesterday i got 2 cds that people gave me.Israeli DIY punk.
One band forgot to put is name on one of them.And i do not have a clue!
Of cause i will find out.
But 700mb recordable Precision tm Cd  sounds great....


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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2002, 07:13:40 am »

Thanks for the great description!  The Dead Sea sounds like our "Death Valley", a few hundred miles northeast of Los Angeles.

Who's the guy in the upper left corner of that page?

I've been reading a couple of articles in the New Yorker magazine about Hezbollah and Hamas.  The articles, written by Jeffrey Goldber, are very detailed and sobering.  In the second article he's describing the fundamentalist movement's activities in South America, on the border of Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil, a fairly lawless place it seems.  It feels like cancer.


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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2002, 09:25:18 am »

Not really because the Dead Sea valley is really small.
Had to find a full page without politic or  tourist info.

Here some 'copy-paste'

It is even more difficult to find pictures  other than people floating in the water. But, i will find some and post links

The Dead Sea is the final link of the chain of rivers and lakes that lies in the valley of the Jordan. Taking its rise on the southern slopes of Mt. Hermon, the Jordan in its southern course first spreads out into Lake Merom, emerging from which it flows into the Lake of Tiberias, whence it descends into the Dead Sea. To convey a proper idea of the size and shape of the Dead Sea travellers often compare it to the Lake of Geneva. The resemblance between the two is striking in almost every particular. The great lake of the Holy Land is forty-seven miles long and about ten miles across at its widest part. Its area is approximately 360 square miles. The surface of the water is 1292 feet below the level of the Mediterranean, which is only a few miles to the west. This extraordinary feature alone singles out the Dead Sea from all other bodies of water. A low-lying peninsula about ten miles wide, called el-Lisan, "the tongue", which runs out from the south-eastern shore to within three miles of the opposite shore, divides the sea into two unequal parts. The northern and larger part is very deep, reaching at one point a depth of 1310 feet. The southern bay is, on the contrary, very shallow, averaging hardly a depth of thirteen feet. In two places it is possible to cross from the peninsula to the opposite shore by means of two fords

The water in the Dead Sea is salt. Every day the Jordan and other affluents pour into it over six and one half million tons of fresh water. There is, however, no outlet to the ocean, and the sole agent whereby this increase is disposed of is evaporation. The power of the sun's rays in this great pit is, however, so intense that save for a small fluctuation between the wet and dry seasons, the level of the sea does not change, despite the great volume that is added to it. In the water that remains after evaporation solid matters make up 26 per cent of the whole; 7 per cent being chloride of sodium (common salt), the rest being chiefly chlorides of magnesium, calcium, and derivatives of bromium. The chloride of magnesium gives the water a very loathsome taste; the chloride of calcium an oily appearance. The specific gravity of the water is 1.166. The presence of so much salt explains well the weird name of the sea, since save for a few microbes, no organic life can exist in it. Even fish from the ocean perish when put into it. The human body will not sink below the surface. Bathing, however, in the Dead Sea can hardly be styled a pleasure, as the water is very irritating to the skin and eyes. There is, it need hardly be said, no foundation for the statement sometimes made, that birds cannot fly across the water, as occasionally sea-birds can be seen resting on its surface. From time to time large quantities of bitumen rise to the surface from the bottom. Bitumen is also found along the shores and is referred to in Genesis (xiv, 10) where it speaks of the puteos multos bituminis — "many pits of slime". This feature caused the ancients to speak of the sea as the "Lake of Asphalt

The Dead Sea has an area of 1,050 km˛, with a length of 76 km, and a maximum width of 16 km. Maximum depth is 396 metres. The Dead Sea is geologically part of the Rift Valley system.

The surface of the Dead Sea, 408 m (1,340 ft) below sea level as of 1996, is the lowest water surface on earth. The lake is 80 km (50 mi) long and has a maximum width of 18 km (11 mi); its area is 1,020 sq km (394 sq mi). The Dead Sea occupies a north portion of the Great Rift Valley. On the east the high plateau of Moab rises about 1,340 m (about 4,400 ft) above the sea; on the west the plateau of Judea rises to half that height. From the eastern shore a peninsula juts out into the lake. To the south of this peninsula the lake is shallow, less than 6 m (less than 20 ft) deep; in the north it reaches its greatest depth of 399 m (about 1,309 ft) below surface level, and 799 m (about 2,621 ft) below sea level.



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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2002, 10:21:54 am »

[Z, I changed your links to thumbnails -- JimH]

larger image:

Here from Massada,who is in fact at the top of the hills\montain onthe edge of the riff.

The large part white  before the road is a kind of the big hills in miniature ,this is fantastic.

Another link will show you what i mean

Bab edh Dhra view of Dead Sea

larger image:

This is not big .Most of the hills are tall as you.
I cannot find words to say about the feeling you have when hiking there.But it is so fantastic with something terrifying[?] a the same.
This picture is  from the Jordan side.I was here as well



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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2002, 11:17:10 am »

I watched a show on TV last month about the dead sea.

there is one boat\ship on it, and you need to keep chiping the salt off of it.

maybe they should pump some more fresh water into it.

I would think they could take the salt and sell it on the market.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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Fayetteville, NC, USA


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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2002, 12:08:41 pm »

Concerning salt they do.
But it is not for food.

To pump some fresh water : from where do you take the fresh water? There is not enought water in all the region.This problem maybe  the cause of war.

There is project since ages to pump sea water in it,but never started one


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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2002, 02:30:09 pm »

>> There is project since ages to pump sea
>> water in it,but never started one
that may help somewhat but the results will be the same.

the salt needs to be removed that is there since there is to much of it.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2002, 02:53:56 pm »

one project is a canal from Mediteraneen sea to the Dead sea.
Another one if from Red sea to Dead sea.Much shorter in kilometers than the first one .But,if i  am right, can have ecological implications for the Read sea.
The problem is not that much salts [better to put an s] but they exploitation by both countrys.The real problem is evaporation: the Dead sea is disappearing.

Will put a link about the salts


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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2002, 03:14:17 pm »

Perhaps JRiver can help.  Our graphics designer, an old friend of mine, a very old friend, is a grandson of Ferdinand de Lesseps.

Mike deLesseps has done almost all our graphics since before I was born.  His work includes ze surfing jukebox.



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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2002, 03:20:03 pm »

Funny! There is all kind of connection in this place!
Of cause i know Ferdinand de Lesseps.
There is many streets in France with his name.
Will have a look at your link and put some when i wake up ,cause i really feel like going to sleep


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Re: OT to Zevele
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2002, 04:43:21 pm »

Here's grandfather:

larger image:

and Mike:

larger image:

Listening to: 'Track 9' from 'The Legend' by 'Maria Callas' on Media Jukebox
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