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Author Topic: Ipod problems with build 179  (Read 2236 times)


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Ipod problems with build 179
« on: January 22, 2005, 02:58:13 am »


I'm sorry to say that although build 178 worked pretty well, 179 has caused a few difficulties.

I got your new warning message about queued files and then a message asking if I wanted to transfer a duplicated file after R/clicking "handheld" in the AW and then "synchronise". I answered "yes" and the warning message about queued files appeared again, so I clicked "no" this tiem and the message came back again. This loop continued even if I clicked the box saying I didn't want the message to be shown again.

Each time I went through this loop the AW would add another instance of the "synch" dialogue so that at the end when I closed MC down via Task Manager I had 9 AW windows saying either "ipod" or ""synch handheld" open.

I didn't get any synching at all as a result of all this.

Good luck! Thanks.



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Re: Ipod problems with build 179
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2005, 06:37:55 am »

Nearly the same here.  But: After having clicked the combination 'yes' and 'do not show again' arround 4-5 times it never popped up again. Synced three times till then without being nagged again.



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Re: Ipod problems with build 179
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2005, 11:38:28 pm »

Same problem here, queue warning message/dupe message many times.  I clicked through the 30-40 of them and tried to start the transfer. More warning dialogs, click through, no transfer. Click transfer again, one warning dialog, click through, transfer flickers in AW then nothing. Click transfer, nothing.
Disconnected and reconnected iPod, click handheld, click through the 30-40 warning dialogs, each time I click on the 'don't show again' checkbox for the queue message. I click transfer, long pause, a couple of  the warning dialogs again, click through, transfer then goes ok. Sync window closes, Confirm action dialog displays, "You have files queued up for transfer? Do you want to clear the queue?" Click yes. Action window is now missing. That's a new one. :)

Queue warning message has a  typo:
"Files that are already on your device are automatically removed from the transfer queue.
Some of your queued files are already or your device and will be removed."

The language is this message is unclear.
I haven't put any songs in the transfer queue, I pressed synchronize.
"and will be removed" - sounds like files are going to be removed from my device. 

I haven't seen the queue warning message before is that new?

I'm going to go back to 178. If you need some more feedback on 179 and let me know and I can try it again.



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Re: Ipod problems with build 179
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2005, 06:37:10 pm »

John, kpodand BG,

I will look at this tomorrow. Can you give the specific text of the warning/dupe messages? There are mulitple ones and by being specific, you will save me some time.




"Files that are already on your device are automatically removed from the transfer queue.
Some of your queued files are already or your device and will be removed."

This is plenty specific.  Thanks.


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Re: Ipod problems with build 179
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2005, 12:59:25 pm »

I got the same message as Blueglow -- came up over and over and over again -- 17 times I counted -- but then the syncronization happened.

The other problem I had was that MC recalculating the space available on the iPod was deathly slow, didn't happen before the sync started. So I got the "there's too much music queued up" message, but when I tried to go back and cancel, I kept gettting "Transfer" Action Windows.  Over and Over and Over again. Finally by cancelling and deleting the cue and just taking a guess as to which playlist put it over the top (since I never got an estimated reading from MC), I did get the sync to work (well, after clicking on the incomprehensible "files on your device" message 17 times. . .).


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Re: Ipod problems with build 179
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2005, 02:16:04 pm »

I made changes that should remove the repetition of the duplicate file message. It will be in the next build.  After you get that, please let me know if the other issue remains it is related and should go away).


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