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Author Topic: Any solutions for live shows?/tag from Excel spreadsheet?  (Read 1303 times)


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Any solutions for live shows?/tag from Excel spreadsheet?
« on: February 08, 2005, 01:48:51 pm »

A tremendous portion of my music collection is comprised for live concert recordings.  Tagging these shows can be a tremendous pain.  The mp3s either come from a CDR I have ripped or flacs or shns with non-descript names.  A typical show could have 20-30 songs in it and so that is a lot of typing just to tag a show. 

However, the song titles are always availible somewhere - in a text file or in an online database.  Is there anyway I can tag these concerts easier?   I can't imagine an 'atagger' type plugin that will search the various online sources I use for this information.  But, without too much effort I could get this information into a spreadsheet.  Is there a plugin that can generate a tag from a spreadsheet? 

I can't do any programing and I have searched the forums, but haven't found anything too encouraging. 

Chris Shaw

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Re: Any solutions for live shows?/tag from Excel spreadsheet?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2005, 07:58:18 pm »

A way to export the tags of a selection of files to Excel, edit them in Excel, the reimport them to MC would be very handy. Does anyone know if this can be done?


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Re: Any solutions for live shows?/tag from Excel spreadsheet?
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2005, 04:39:50 pm »

I ran into the same problem. I have about 300 live shows that needed to be tagged and was having fits typing all the info in. The only thing I found that works pretty well is magic file rename by finebytes. They have this tagging process called name list and what you can do is copy the set list for the cdr (you can always find them online) and paste it to notepad. It renames the files with the list on the notepad. It's pretty flexible once you get the hang of all their functions. It was the only type of software I could find that would do batch rename from text document this way. I hope that helps.
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