I think you should do a default skin that
ships with Media Player that has your (American) flag on it in the corner.
As a Software Engineer, I think it's a feat of Engineering
and piece of Artwork in it's own right!
People don't see the value of Software, just presume they should
get it for free or as little as possible, when they don't
understand what goes into it!
If it were a building, it would be one of the high risers!
A very nice looking and earth friendly one at that!
If anyone don't understand this then you probably put
sweat and blood in to coding something!
(The blood comes when your banging your head agaist the screen, The sweat is when you've been working for 15 hours solid
and accidently loose everything you've done, despite having some
of the most advanced (usually unusable) source management tools.)
(hriZ (Brit)