What Jim said is true, MC has been tested against EAC extensively (do a forum search during the first half of '04) and was found to be actually better than in EAC in secure mode and equal to in the other modes.
Because EAC was the best for so long (prior to MC 9) and MC isn't as widely known there is still a lot of misinformation and prejidice out on the net.
On the more practical side, as long as you have good quality CD-R (DVD-R) and the CDs are in "new" condition, you don't really have to use "secure" ripping (it's much slower because of the multiple re-reads). Use your ears to compare. "Secure mode" is excellent for less than perfect CDs.
Try using .ape lossless encoding, it will save space on your hard drive (it compresses at 2or3 to 1) and reproduces a CD bit for bit. Again, use your ears to compare.
And lastly, you have in MC the ability to customize your file naming and structure and import criteria to your heart's content and once configured, it's basically hands free....stick in a CD and hit rip!