(I've copied this from the other thread on the same subject, cause I thought we'd be using a thread on 'Database Expressions' a fair bit
I've got a question - should these functions work in the search bar? In the help, (
http://www.jrmediacenter.com/DevZone/DBExpressions.htm), it says they do, but I don't think so...
Also, I'm not sure I understand Clean(...) and FixCase(...) - If you use them in a viewscheme, what happens; does it continually perform the Clean function, or only when you click on the viewscheme, or only when you click on the column in the viewscheme?
I realise that I could experiment, but I'd like to have some more info from JRiver as to the difference between functions which just return info, and functions which alter info.
Finally, if functions can both return and alter info, does this mean that the If(...) function enables automatic altering of info based on previous parameters. For example, I have my own rating field called Artist Rating - can I now have a funtion which automatically fills in rating info for artists, like If(([artist]X), [artist rating]3)? (or something like that - see; I need the If(...) function explained!!)
Would really appreciate more on this...
P.S. J River- A minor point: the examples for FixCase(...) are duplicated from Clean(...) on the help page:
Clean(...): Returns a cleaned up version of a filled in template.
Value: the value to clean
Clean([Artist] - [Album] /([Genre]/))
FixCase(...): Changes the case of a string.
Value: the value to change
Mode: case mode (optional: defaults to title case)
0: title case
1: all words
2: first word
3: all uppercase
4: all lowercase
Clean([Artist] - [Album] /([Genre]/))