Ok,we are saturday,it is the week-end,time to calm down.
My opinion was only about sound quality.Not to know if MJ the best or not.
With MJ 7 i,and some others on this forum had hard time to put MJ or FreeAmp first.Look like that with 8,the sound is better.
I have hundreds and hundreds of programs [registered] on russian cdrs.
I gave a try to all concerning players and jukeboxs.There is no way i can change what i said:WinAmp was dreadfull.
I have two $5 each JBL speakers and two $5 each BEO speakers.As you see it is allready a $ 20 speakers system.
I never had a good soundcard,just the one coming with the motherboard.
If here on this forum since long ,you had see that i posted many times about problems and limitation concerning MJ.Sometimes,very upset posts.
I am not a MJ snob,far from it.
Playing music with MJ does not eat a lot of power on my computer.So i don't care about any other player,WinAmp,even FreeAmp and so on.
I never used FLAC and do really think that SHN sound bad.Means that i do not need any WinAmp fonction for it.
I just convert SHN to wav,it takes very short time,before playing it.
Yes there is A LOT of idiots using WinAmp.Just look at many forums.'jukebox are stupid-WinAmp best" on any comment about a jukebox,there is allways many posts'WinAmp is better'.
WinAmp is a player,no way it can be better than a product who is not a player.Jukebox,firewall or expresso machine
To say WinAmp is the best player,this is ok.
There is a lot of idiots on hydrogene as well.You know it better than me because i'am sure you use it since much more time than me.
But this has nothing to do with the quality of WinAmp or Hydrogene.
There is some idiots here as well-you and me right now,but we know it is only some kind of fantasie from us-.There is less idiots here because there is much less people and that any kind of very specific product attract less idiot on they forums.
I was not saying that you are an idiot in an indirect way,using WinAmp as a way to say it.
You are far far from it as far as your posts speak for you.
Anyway ,have a nice week-end with WinAmp,MJ or any other thing