When I use Mediajukebox to copy a CD almost every coppied CD has at least one track with a very short white noise clip over the recording, usually within a few seconds of the track playing.
This will happen every time I convert CD to my hard drive in uncompressed Wav format. Doesn't seem to be happening when I convert to MP3 though.
The only way to describe the noise is that is sounds like white noise, the sounds you get from your TV or radio when it's not tuned into a program.
Is this a fault with Mediajukebox ?
My computer is less than one year old, it has 512 DDR RAM, 1900+ AMD processor with 3x Rom drives - 54x, CD burner, DVDRom all new. I have tried in the past to slow down the ripping speed and have tried my other Rom drives but I still get the same problem.
You can download a very small clip to hear for yourselves at
www.phmultimedia.com/mp3 - file size is only 160K converted to 128K MP3 from Wav.
Thanks in advance for your helpful comments.