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Author Topic: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe  (Read 3730 times)


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cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« on: October 07, 2002, 01:49:20 pm »

Anyone have experience with this 2 kinds of broadland connections?

I have ADSL PPPOe.
And there is A LOT of problems[ maybe Israel
related,but PPPOe is the worst ADSL connection]

Up and down in the connection,even if you do not surf making music skipping,no mater player or settings.
You need a +1700 Pentium  to cancel this problem.
The same with rip,burn

Login with user name and password.And  many times need to try 2,3 times before you log-in.
Need to reboot computer and modem every few hours if you want to keep speed.
Many problem with .com adress concerning speed.

All of it for a bargain...$100 a month!!!!!

I am thinking about to take cable connection.Is it really bad? Do you have really'traffic jam' connection?
Do the speed fair?Do you have up and down speeds let say in 20 mnutes time?I mean from 200kp/second download to 17 kps/second  an after 80 kps/second and back to 200? And the same when surfing?
Do you have all the time a second or two with speed at zero when surfing or downloading?I mean like if someone cut the light and light back playing with the switch?

Any opinion very welcome


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2002, 02:18:07 pm »

A little poem that ive concocted will say it all for you Zevele:

Cable is Stable
DSL will put you through Hell

Ive been subscribed to a DSL service for a year now with a downstream speed of 1.5mbps. It usually averages 800mbps. They are currently working on the problem as Im typing. But Ill have maybe one day a week where im actually running at 1.4-1.5, then ill run for about 3 or 4 days around 800. I have friends that live an hour away that have cable and say they never have speed drops of more than 200. He said they usually run around 1.3-1.5 stable 24/7. This backwoods area I live in is, for the time being, stuck with DSL service, and a crappy one at that. Luckily I only pay 59.95USD/month for 1.5 downstream and 384 upstream. But i sympathize with your problems buddy. Here lately ive been getting a better connection with my dial-up. Im heading down to the phone company tomorrow and request a credit to my account for a month or two, its the least they could do. Ive heard that its not necissarily a problem with the phone company's servers here, but that UUNet(or whatever its called) has been having massive problems nationwide, although that wouldnt affect you as you are in Israel. Nonetheless, i feel your pain.
J. A. Hayslett

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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2002, 03:24:19 pm »

The pain is to pay a lot for something giving you troubles.
I have a 1.5 MB,96 kps download.When all fine a 800 kps speed is the rule,in this case with tweaks i get 1.2-1.3 MB speed.
But a 'you connection is barely an ADSL one' answer when testing is also the rule...... as mch than 800 kps speed
'funny' enought i had to reboot not long after my post to get speed back.Took me 2 reboots and around 10 trys to log-in.......
Better not to speak about a clean install..only with the Windows updates you get mad!

My phone line is ok,my moden ,my computer also,it is just this ADSL\PPPOe connection.

I will do with smaller speed if stable-not to speak about half the price of ADSL  and with unlimited upload and download

Listening to: 'Nafalta Hazak' from 'today land gives tomorrow honey' by 'Haim Tsinovich' on Media Jukebox

Kind of hebrew\arab song=ta la ta ta -naaafallltAAAA haAAzaKKKKK


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2002, 06:31:53 pm »


I had DSL (640 Kbps) connection for about a year. I canceled it (I did not have any problems) and switched to cable (2 Mbps). As you can see cable connection is much faster and more reliable. I don't have to connect because it's always on. I have cable for 3 month now and very satisfied with it.


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2002, 10:29:00 pm »

Interestingly enough, I've had the opposite experience. I've had cable at two different times, and ADSL twice (once a 2.5mbps, and now a 1.5mbps)... and I have ditched the cable both times due to its inconsistencies. I couldn't even listen to medium bandwidth streaming radio, because it was constantly rebuffering.... or would just die all together. In both cases with the ADSL, I've got stable connections (even if they don't reach the peak speeds of cable... I'm okay with that because it's stable).

I've also noticed that while many things seem cheaper in the U.S. ... apparently internet connections aren't one of them. On the west coast of Canada, I pay only $24.95 CDN per month for ADSL, and cable was $39.95 CDN (which makes them about $17 US and $27 US respectively).

That all said... I also know people who have had similar experiences to yours.... so I guess I would suggest that if what you currently have isn't working.... try something else  ;)

Now isn't this just typical of whereever this is?


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2002, 01:16:58 am »

Hi Zev,

I had Cable connection and switched to DSL, for 2 reasons :

1. Got problems with cable (I guess it was at the ISP end) : often drastic speed dropdown + and when I moved ( 2 km ) I had to change from ISP.

2. Price : cable was $45,10 US/month - DSL 1.1 Mbps is $36.5 US / month.

Now I'm very happy with my DSL connection - very few speed dropdown (for instance when DL from Emusic, I always have an avg of 980 - 1100 )



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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2002, 02:11:18 am »

I have a cable package and 2 DSL packages (plus a 2 way Sat DSL service but that is not really a consumer setup and unfair to include)...

The cable was supposed to be 400kbs approx though they never spec'ed it exactly... I get > 800Mbps out of it and it is rock solid and stable....

As a counterpoint the DSL packages have only ever gained about 1/2 of the speed I was sold (1mps is about 400 and a 512kbps package was dreadful... ISDN speeds)... One of the DSL's is an always on determined by a network IP and that is fine but the other is a VPN connection and is a pain compared to cable...

Personally I prefer the cable route...

Just wish the roll louts could be speeded up in the developing world by using the power lines as per a few test and trials...  
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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2002, 03:46:33 am »

Concerning streaming,or i can stream hours without problem,but as well i can have the stream setting himself to mono 24kps modem 56kps cause my connection is down

You can try to tweak Windows settings.I know many people think it a joke but from average 800 i get 1 up to 1.3 speed.
And you got the point :the VPN  one is no good,it is what i have VPN/PPOe ADSL.

I ask about cable because i have satellite TV,not cable TV.Means they have 'to plug me', to make holes .to put sockets and so on.In short :make a mess and i will need to paint again,to clean....
You can have cable internet even if you do not have cabe TV,you pay a little more..
I may change for cable TV.In fact i do not watch  TV.Computer,music,books,no time for more.
If not for bike race 'Le tour de France' in summer on french TV and racing bulls on spanish one,i would have no cable or satelite TV,just Israel with an old antenna

The other raison i ask is that cable internet is few weeks old here-because of politics mess with the hated national phone company- so i cannot see by myself around me.

For decades,the phone company is first on the poll'which company do dislike the most'Not even sure Arafat beats them,he may be number 2 after them..


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2002, 08:34:50 am »


I have actually done some speed tweaks on my systems if they are my main access system... The fact that I get double the speed out of a 400kbps (800) cable setup than I get out of a 1mbps ADSL setup with greater ease of use tells you what I think...

As for TV viewing I am the same as you... I have just moved to an area with 0 watchable OTA (thai TV appears to consist of men in drag and gameshows so heavily sponsored they look like commercials) and I dont miss it for a second... I am online for my time and if I have some to spare I try to self learn flash / XML / Linux / Anything that interests...

I do have a serious passion for cinema but that is satsified with DVD and my HT, even then Citizen Kane / raging bull / apoc now / lawrence of arabia / have pride of place and spiderman / MIB II dont get bought...  
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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2002, 09:56:24 am »

Cable, Good

DSL Sucks
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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2002, 10:22:27 am »

Cable, Good

DSL Sucks

I am very happy with my aDSL connection: 512Kbs for 44 $US monthly. I am permanently connected.

It is a non sense to compare download speed between DSL and cable connections for different internet providers. Before all, download speed depends on the (ftp or web) site and of your provider (its network).

In France, a lot of people had problems with ADSL but it was due to an incompatibility between VIA chipset and a particular USB ADSL "modem". But more people again had problems with cable providers at the point to intend a lawsuit.


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2002, 10:49:33 am »

First my question was not about speed.Only to know if there is really 'trafic jam' in cable onnection
And t is not ADSL versus cable it is ADSL\PPPOe versus cable or any kind of ADSL connection.
And i was speaking about line speed .

I know you do not have PPPOe in France,but many other problems with telecom,putting the number of french on the net one of the lowest in Europe.And better to not speak about the average french sites....BEURK!

Many cable connections have a volume [GB] download and upload limited per month.Like it you can see frenchs not sharing any song on p2p programs......
$44 c'est quoi? 300 francs? Pas cher.Ici c'est $100 pour ADSL PPOe 1.5 de merde qui ne marche pas


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2002, 04:11:47 pm »

HEHE, I had ADSL a year ago and switched to cable because of all the talk about stability, LOL. every time the cable tv went out so did the internet, so after a year I went back to ADSL and aint looking back. and for those that dont know of this site, here it is.
Robert Long

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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2002, 03:26:03 pm »

I have DSL. 1.4 Mbps. The connection reports 1.472.
I actually get 1.2 on average. Sometimes 1.6. It has flashed up to 1.9 but only for a couple of seconds.

EMusic is pretty much a constant 1.2. Download Manager and System Monitor both report the same speed ... with a little mental calculation.

Take issue with that, I don't care. I'm happy with DSL because:

- I went there from dialup.
- Cable is not available.

At $49.95/mo, I am very happy with it. It was costing $44.95/mo for dialup with a second line and ISP charges.
For 30 times the speed, $5 more works for me.
That's right.
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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2002, 03:45:31 pm »

The lowdown:

Cable (thru MediaCom) is faster for the money BUT....upload/download speeds swing wildly at certain parts of the day.

DSL (thru Qwest) is much more consistent in speed, and in my experience, much more reliable. 640K/640K is about $50 per month. If price is no object - 1M/7M (U/D) is available.



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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2002, 03:47:16 pm »

Not sure ii understand your numbers,my dear friend.
You have a 1.4 MB connection
The faster you can get is 1.4 mb less 10%
If you get 1.2 average whithout any Windows settings tweaks ,it is aking to a miracle.
But to get more tan 1.4 look strange.Or not many people have ADSL where you live and ISP does not bother to clip the speed.
Emusic at 1.2? 1.2 what? If you line runs at 1.2 MB you get around 220 kp/s download from Emusic.This is not the number you  see in Download Manager.In it you see 1700-1800 octo bytes or something like it.

But again ,i was just asking people using cable about the problems i heard about and see in France.Because i have ADSL\PPPOe FAR FROM BE A REGULAR ADSL .
I would not go back to dialup,this is sure.But i have to log-in -and ,unlike dialup,i allmost never get log at the first try.Part of the time i have dialup speed,not ADSL speed and it cost me $100 a month.
We never have cable TV off here,ADSL many many times.

Anyway,i do not know if you use p2p but with such a speed  you may get a lot of songs...private joke........

Do you know that the Allman Brothers Band 'Fillmore Est' is not the same on cd than on lp?Listen to it and tell me


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2002, 12:52:15 pm »


I don't know what you call "regular adsl" but I am using PPPOa without any problem.

Do you use ADSLautoconnect ?

Cable in France is often limited in upload (512MB / month), ADSL not.


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2002, 01:36:22 pm »

By regular i mean an allways on connection.

PPPOe - log-in is the worst kind of ADSL ,but the easier to run for ISP
Not sure i need the software you speak about.As soon as i want to go to the web,i connect automatic.And i do not think this sotware can solve the fact that my password is not accepted most of the time.

Beside this ,i never heard of PPPOe in france.Not to say there is not such connection.

You are right ,cable in France is really not a good deal,but itis really cheap,if you do not use any Hillary program


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2002, 02:02:53 pm »

My own ADSL connection doesn't use PPPoE (it's a business package) but my friend just signed up with Earthlink which does use PPPoE.   I gave him my old SMC Broadband router which has a PPPoE client built in.  So he has his DSL modem connected to the "WAN" side of the SMC router and his desktop machine and laptop connected to the "private/LAN" side of the SMC.

The advantage of this setup is that the router always makes sure that the PPPoE session is active, he didn't have to load any software on his computers,  he can reboot his computer without losing his lease on his IP address (he runs Media Server), and he can reboot the router and modem if he needs to without disturbing the computers.

It's been working great for him.
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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2002, 03:32:13 pm »

So many questions. I have a few answers.

You have a 1.4 MB connection
The faster you can get is 1.4 mb less 10%  

Can't explain. Sometimes my 56k would spike up tp 10 or 12 k (should be 5.6k max, right?) on a download.

Or not many people have ADSL where you live and ISP does not bother to clip the speed.

That is likely. I'm the only one I know of.

Emusic at 1.2? 1.2 what? If you line runs at 1.2 MB you get around 220 kp/s download from Emusic.This is not the number you  see in Download Manager.In it you see 1700-1800 octo bytes or something like it.

Download Manager shows me 1200 whatevers and System Monitor shows 160kbps.

Anyway,i do not know if you use p2p but with such a speed  you may get a lot of songs...private joke........

You can now get many more things from P2P than songs. It's really kind of like your own ftp without the headaches. Unfortunately, my download speed in that case is limited by someone else's upload speed.

Do you know that the Allman Brothers Band 'Fillmore Est' is not the same on cd than on lp?Listen to it and tell me

There are two versions of Fillmore. The one with the black & white picture is the original. The one with the color picture is remastered and different versions of the same songs are used. There are also more songs. It also includes all of the Fillmore songs previously on "Eat a Peach" plus some extended versions of previously only studio songs. "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed" (IMO the best track, ever) is composed of portions of two different nights in the new version.
The last show (out of 5 used to make the CD) on June 27th, 1971 was the LAST Fillmore East show. They played until six in the morning to close out a short but remarkable era.

HA!! You stumbled onto a subject that I actually DO know about. Allman Bros. is my all-time favorite band. They have been since the late 60's. I NEVER get tired of Fillmore.

That's right.
I'm cool.


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2002, 08:19:52 am »

HEY! Hey !
This is what i call an answer concerning ABB.
I did not  try to find out concerning the color sleeve cd.Just heard that it was not the original live,so back to my double lp.

I like very very very much the 'live at Ludlow garage 1970.I have the firstset at the same place but latter-in November-with a torching In Memory......I cannot find the set 2.

Do you have the one on Gratefull Dead records?

Let me tell you they are still good.I have March 21,1991  concert with moments of PURE magic


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2002, 08:22:27 am »

I still think DSL sucks

I prefer My Hayes 300 Baud Modem
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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2002, 04:09:18 pm »

I prefer My Hayes 300 Baud Modem

Upgrade to 1200. It's, like, 4 TIMES faster. AWSOME!
That's right.
I'm cool.


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Re: cable connection versus ADSL PPPOe
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2002, 04:23:49 pm »

>>Upgrade to 1200. It's, like, 4 TIMES faster.

Yeah! And there's like a firmware upgrade. But the modem doesn't have regular PROM's in it....they're AguaPROMS. Just immerse the modem in water first to erase them, then flash the quadrahexidecimal code into it. It's that easy!

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