Also: When MC 11 starts install, it gives you the option to remove MC 10 before proceeding if it is present. You do not have to remove it before starting the MC 11 install.
Yes, the installer has the "uninstall MC10" option. In the past I always skipped it because I wasn't aware of what it does exactly. I mean: Does it preserve the registration, library, cover art etc? I read from the release threads that installer's behavior with cover art changed recently, but I haven't tried that.
But if you DO uninstall 10, you still get the upgrade price, right?
Here's what I would like to do: I want to install MC11 in it's default directory, AND I want to keep all my old settings, AND I want the upgrade price. What's the "best" way to achieve this?
Yes, you will get the upgrade price. MC does not wipe the registration information.
I guess you have to redefine your program options. (The options look quite familiar in MC11, but they have internally changed a lot during the MC11 development). You could make some notes about your current settings.
As I said I'll install a new OS to my laptop. During the process I'll have an opportunity to try some things.
Generally it would be good at this stage if JRiver personnel could test and double-check several upgrade scenarios and publish some official instructions.
For example:
- 98SE / ME / W2k / XP
- MJ8 > MC11 / MC9 > MC11 / MC9.1 > MC11 / MC10 > MC11
Things to find out:
- What is the best way to preserve the previous library data including the cover art links?
- Should the user do something in a different way if the folder locations are not default?
(MJ/MC program folder, database location and cover art location)
- What if the user has several libraries?
- In which cases the old version should be uninstalled?
I don't know if the installer can handle all this. If not, the written instructions in a single place would be a great help for upgraders.