I have been seeing the "Incomplete Shutdown Detected" in MC11 since builds ~ > 297. This seems to occur any time I use the advanced power options of XP to power off the PC or if I use the task manager to shut down Media Center. The problem is that when I use this method to shut down MC, it isn't doing anything.
I use MC11 on an audiophile grade media center with no monitor connected. In the past I have been able to hit the power button on the front chasis of the Media Center PC, and have XP's advanced power options safely exit all running apps, and shutdown the PC.
When Media Center 11 exists in the above manner, it reports the shutdown as a crash and the Incomplete Shutdown Detected dialog box appears on next start up. From a usabilit perspective, this behaviour is simply unacceptable. Every time I power up the Media Center PC, Media Center sits at that dialog, and never connects to the Media Library.
Is there any way to disable the Incomplete Shutdown Detected Dialog for shutdowns that are intentionally done by the power switch? Currently, the only remedy I have is to down-grade to build 197, which I dont really want to do.
Please advise.
BTW other than this one annoyance MC11 is a great product. I would like to know if this is something that will be fixed in a future build, or if I have to stay back at B197.