Hello all!
I am a big fan of music, and a new user of Media Center. When I found out you can change the bit-rate, sample-rate, etc., I got a rather "bright" idea, to create my own "high-Resalution" CD's, like the one's you find in the store's. (24bit-96KHZ). The only thing is, when I'm done burning (after making any need ajustments), the audio quality is yes better or "crisper", but it also sound rather "recessed", or "held back". it just doesn't seem to have any "pop" to it. I am using my dad sound system wich consist's of an Onkyo 502 receiver, and Bose speaker's. I have a Dell dimension2400, with no added goodies other than a little extra RAM, and a larger harddrive. The cd-burner that came with it is what I'm using to burn my CD's, wich is made by Samsung, and the audiodriver(s), are intergratted, and by SOUNDMAX. Can anyone please help me with this little problem? Feel free to email me about this. (I would LOVE to be able to make my own HighResolution CD's..I would so much be in HEVEN!)
Thank You all!!