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Author Topic: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger  (Read 13798 times)


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Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« on: June 29, 2005, 09:08:58 pm »

I think via MC's Artist Info link to AllMusicGuide (AMG), I discovered AMG and have found it an invaluable resource.  So much so that I've organized my library around AMG's Genre/Style ontology. 

I created a custom field "Style", and a view scheme in the nav tree that sorts by Genre/Style/Artist/Album.  The benefits of AMG's ontology are that their Genre list at the top level has a limited number of categories (~20), which is nice when you want to listen to "Rock" or "Country" or "Jazz".  The detail comes at the Style level, in which they provide and ordered list of Styles within Genre that an Artist tends to fit.  These are incredibly detailed, and I use only the top two Styles, so as examples for "Lee Hazelwood" I set Genre=Country and Style=Country-Rock; Country-Pop, and for Miles Davis I set Genre=Jazz and Style=Bop; Jazz-Funk. 

Idea:  provide MC users with a way to automatically populate a Genre and Style field using AMGs content. A built-in feature sort of like Image/Get-From-Internet.   

As my library of music grows and grows I have been constantly expanding genre categories, then recatogorizing and moving artists around, etc.  The feature I've described would keep your library always up to date, and standardized around what seems to be a best-of-class genre/style ontology.

Does anyone else think this would be useful?   




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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2005, 09:14:46 pm »

I totally concur.  My genre field is a mess and I need an external authority to straighten it out, without changing any other fields.


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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2005, 09:15:42 pm »

In the third party forums, there is a link for aTagger... This will do what you want and m much much more.....


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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2005, 09:21:40 pm »

Wow, that *seems* to be exactly what I proposed -- but I can't find anything in the ReadMe file that indicates where the content comes from.  Anyone know?

 For me at least, a "clean" content source is the critical element...I'd rather maintain Genre/Styles manually than have it populated automatically by a "free-for-all" type database, such as the one that seems to drive the way Album/Artist/TrackName gets populated automatically -- someone enters a new album and types things wrong, picks a genre of their liking, and you get stuck with it. 


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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2005, 09:28:43 pm »

Well test it out and if you like, do it! ;D
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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2005, 09:56:07 pm »

Ok. I tried it, and while it is exactly what I am looking for, I can't get it to work for even the most simple case.  I added all the necessary fields to the MC database and I've tweaked the various settings, but when I put into Playing Now a track from John Coltrane, Giant Steps  and Frank Sinatra, The Reprise Collection, it fails and gives me an error that it is unable to locate the artist and also the album.  What about Artist=John Coltrane and Album=Giant Steps is problematic? 


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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2005, 10:55:59 pm »

aTagger is great...or it was when it was working.
As far as I know, aTagger gets its data from it hasn't worked for me in quite some time.  I think the developer doesn't have much time to devote to it.


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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2005, 11:45:02 pm »

I sent the aTagger author an email asking whether or not aTagger *should* work with the latest MC....and presumedly the latest AllMusicGuide content.  I know AMG redid their entire  site not so long ago.  Perhaps aTagger hasn't been updated for the latest AMG site?  Or perhaps not updated for MC11?

Any MC11 users out there who have aTagger working properly?


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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2005, 11:51:11 pm »

Some clues here:   
Guess I should have searched earlier    :-[

It seems aTagger project has been dropped by author, and issue is related to changse in AMG's content.


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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2005, 07:34:36 am »

Some clues here:   
Guess I should have searched earlier    :-[

It seems aTagger project has been dropped by author, and issue is related to changse in AMG's content.

Yes it does work with the latest MC, I have recently used it to find info on oabout 10,000 tracks. There are some things that doesn't work that should,
Like   Rolling Stones, The but Rolling Stones will.

You just need to play around a bit.

This has NOT been dropped by the author, the latest release for aTagger was on 5/17/05,
Here is the link to get the latest version


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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2005, 08:05:35 am »

Just read this thread and decided to try it. When I downloaded and executed the exec it installed AceHTML 5 Freeware from Visicom Media ??
Has this happened to anyone else??? Or is something attacking my computer??


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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2005, 09:33:05 am »

Just read this thread and decided to try it. When I downloaded and executed the exec it installed AceHTML 5 Freeware from Visicom Media ??
Has this happened to anyone else??? Or is something attacking my computer??

I think you might have other issues.....


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2005, 10:31:40 am »

If anyone has suggestions on how to get it working, I would appreciate them. 

- I have one track  from John Coltrane, Giant Steps in Playing Now. 
- I click on the aTagger plug-in and click "start tagging files"
- I get the following error (note: I purposely put aTagger in Report-only mode)

aTagger Version is 1.2.1
Report-Only mode enabled -- No tags will be updated.
Processing 1 songs...
Processing artist: John Coltrane  album artist: John Coltrane  album: Giant Steps  track #: 1  song: Giant Steps
    *ERROR*: Unable to find Artist & Album.
Songs: 1 (0 different, 0 skipped, 1 errors)  Albums: 1 (0 different, 0 skipped, 1 errors)

Settings in aTagger:
- Tagging Options tab:  I've only asked it to update Genres and Styles - for Album and Artist
- Search Options:  I enabled prepending of "the" and "A" and the stripping and replacements
- Processing Options: playlist=playing now....  and I've enabled report-only mode, interactive tagging, and case insensitvity


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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2005, 11:34:00 am »

Here is the link to get the latest version

The link does not seem to work (right now at least...)



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Re: Idea: Genre & Style auto-fill from AllMusicGuide
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2005, 11:40:26 am »

The link does not seem to work (right now at least...)

I just accessed and was able to download the file.

Reinstalled it, hoping it would work this time... no luck.
- Does anyone know if aTagger has problem co-existing with other plugins?
- Does it require a non-standard port to be opened on a firewall?


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2005, 10:09:51 am »

After seeing this thread I tried aTagger and it works great. I really needed to fill in my dates and genre and style is pretty cool too. However, I have my doubts as to how AMG classifies Genre. Since that is the first thing in the Library Browser, I was hoping that Genre would be pretty accurate. But when AMG shows Barry Manilow as Rock, something seems wrong. The Styles shown of Adult Contemporary, Soft Rock, and Pop, at least one of them, seem more like the Genre to me. Or even better Easy Listening.

After looking up some various artists, a lot that I would classify as Pop or Easy Listening came up as Rock. Since the Library Browser's first tag is Genre and seems like it can't be changed, perhaps I need to do manual tagging of Genre. Not looking forward to that though for all I have.

I sure like the automatic tagging of aTagger though!


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2005, 11:53:59 am »

However, I have my doubts as to how AMG classifies Genre.

I totally agree. In fact last night I spend a few hours working an "ontology" for classifying music that, for me at least, works better.  I think "styles" is where AMG really adds the value...there are so many styles within some genres that it is really helpful to have albums/artists assigned to styles.   Their Genres seem a bit arbitrary -- for example, why are Cajun and Celtic any more worthy of Genre status than Cuban Son, or Brazilian Samba?

Basically, I am going to use aTagger to populate Styles, and then I plan to categorize and navigate using Region/Country/Genre/Style/Artist/Album based on the following definitions:

Region:  general regions that share a common musical history;  "Anglo" (US+Canada+UK), W. Europe, E. Europe, Latin America, N. Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, S. Asia, E. Asia,  etc.

Country:  the country of the artist/album

Genre:  based on common instrumentation, arrangement, rhythm, and other musical characteristics.  Examples:  Jazz, Folk, Spiritual, New Age, Rock, Pop, etc.  but NOT World, Latin, Cajun as AMG does. 

Style:  significant, identifiable variants within Genre.  Examples:  Traditional, Bop, Vocal within Jazz.

Some examples (the harder stuff, not easy stuff like The Beatles) of how it might work:

a flamenco artist/album-> W.Europe/Spain/Folk/Flamenco
a brazilian forro artist/album --> Latin America/Brazil/Folk/Forro
Afro-Peruvian putumayo album ->Latin America/Peru/Folk/Vocal

You can then use View Schemes to slice and dice the four categorizations above however you want.  For example:

When you do a view scheme on Genre, it cuts across regions, countries, styles, so for example:
"Folk" ->  Genre=Folk. likely to include Arlo Guthrie as it is Andean Indegenous groups.
"Spiritual" -> Genre=Spiritual.  ..includes Gospel from the US as well as Tibetan chanting.

You can isolate regional or country-specific variants of genres, which under most categorization schemes would just get lost inside "World", for example:
"Latin Jazz" -> Region=Latin America & Genre=Jazz
"Cuban Jazz" -> Country=Cuba & Genre=Jazz
"Argentine Folk" -> Country=Argentina & Genre=Folk
"Arabic Spiritual"  -> Region=N.Africa & Middle East , Genre=Spiritual
"African Pop" ->  Region = Sub-Saharan Africa, Genre=Pop

When you do want what is usually called "World," you can get it for specific Genres, or by Region or Country, or just the course definition used by music industry:
"World Folk" ->  Region not=Anglo  & Genre=Folk
"World Fusion" ->  Region not=ANgo  & Style=Fusion
"African" ->  Region= Sub-Saharan Africa
"World"   ->  Region not= Anglo

And of course you can use BPM and Intensity to get "mellow" music for when you're working, or "party" music to turn it up a notch:
"Mellow Modern Jazz"  ->  Genre=Jazz & Style=Modern & BPM<=80 
"World Party" ->  Region not= Anglo & BPM > 140 & Intensity >=3




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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2005, 11:19:05 am »

I quite like the way AMG manages genres.  The use of styles to amplify genres is the key, as mentioned above. 

Back to aTagger, I can't get it to find anything on AMG.  It runs with the tracks I have in "Now Playing" just fine but always comes back with an error report saying it couldn't find any of the listed tracks.  I've tried a variety of very common artists/albums but it can't seem to find any of them. 
Any tips?


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2005, 12:50:12 pm »

Hello there...  I'm @l@n the creator of aTagger.  Contrary to the rumors, aTagger is not dead, just SLOWLY VERY SLOWLY being developed (in my LIMITED spare time).

I've got some good news.  I've been working privately with a couple of aTagger users and we have just figured out the solution for a problem that has been happening for some users (probably like iCamp) that makes aTagger unusable.   We figured out why aTagger works fine for some people (like  imjustagamer and I) and why it does absolutely nothing for other people.

It appears that AMG's data is formatted differently when you receive the basic non-registered data than it is when you are using the registered user's data.  aTagger can't deal with the way the registered user's data is formatted.   I never have and never will use the registered features as I must agree not to use programs like aTagger to receive the registered user's data.   To that end, for aTagger to work, you must use the non-registered user's data format.

For those of you that have registered at AMG and are having problems with aTagger, go to the AMG web site and logoff.  You probably want to uncheck the "Log me in automatically" option at the login screen too.

I think you will find that aTagger will begin working for you.

On another note...  If you haven't already done so, you should download the latest version of aTagger (v1.2.1) at  I haven't added any features but I continue to SLOWLY fix bugs.  I continue to work on aTagger but only God knows when I will have another release available for you guys.

I hope this helps...  @l@n
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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2005, 04:39:25 pm »

Hi Alan,
It's very good to here from you. I hope all is well.

I have uncovered a bug, I have remove THe from the end checked, but this does not seem to work.
In order to receive data for   Rolling Stones, The   I have to remove the ", The" from the end then it will work. This function does work for Albums, ie  "Eyes of Alice Cooper, The   works just fine.

As I said before, I am glad to see all is well with you,



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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2005, 05:53:48 pm »

I spent the whole day yesterday testing and tuning aTagger.  I fixed several problems but I focused on irregularaties processing "The " and "A " prefixes as well as ", The" and " [" suffixes when searching for album names.

The end result is a new version of aTagger (v1.2.2) available for download at

Hopefully this will fix some of the problems that aTagger had when searching for album information.

Enjoy...  @l@n
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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2005, 07:17:24 pm »

Thanks Alan,

If you run atagger, then go out to Playing Now, Then go back into atagger you get the following error,

Object reference not set to an instance of an object,       Then you click OK, go out, then go back in and it will run,

Artists with ", The" at then end is not working. I'm using v 1.2.2 with my firewall off.



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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2005, 09:36:01 pm »

If you run atagger, then go out to Playing Now, Then go back into atagger you get the following error,

Object reference not set to an instance of an object,       Then you click OK, go out, then go back in and it will run,

Artists with ", The" at then end is not working. I'm using v 1.2.2 with my firewall off.

imjustagamer, I've got a fix for both of these problems in v1.2.3.  Hopefully that version will be released soon.

Thanks for all your help...  @l@n
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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2005, 09:51:32 pm »

imjustagamer, I've got a fix for both of these problems in v1.2.3.  Hopefully that version will be released soon.

Thanks for all your help...  @l@n

No, it should be ME thanking you...... Many many many hours you have saved me!!



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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2005, 10:03:13 pm »

I can't tell you how pleased I am to see you back and that development has continued on atagger.  Can't wait to try the new build.  All your work on this is really appreciated!


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #25 on: July 03, 2005, 10:04:02 pm »

I agree, thanks go to @l@n for this plug-in...  a life saver for anyone with large libraries. 

I've got 1.2.2 running now on ~14,000 tracks and it seems to be working well. It's processed about 1100 albums so far, of which it updated ~500 and erred on ~600.  Probably the bulk of those errors are not due to mismatches by aTagger, but due to mispellings or variantly formed album or artists tags in my library. 



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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2005, 06:47:13 am »

I can't even get aTagger to install on my system. The installer quits with a "Error installing iKernel.exe: 0x10000" error. Same thing with either 1.22 or 1.21. I'm running XP Pro SP2. Anyone else getting this?


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #27 on: July 04, 2005, 08:28:01 am »

I can't even get aTagger to install on my system. The installer quits with a "Error installing iKernel.exe: 0x10000" error. Same thing with either 1.22 or 1.21. I'm running XP Pro SP2. Anyone else getting this?

Are you running as a power user?


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #28 on: July 04, 2005, 10:42:13 am »

For those of you that have registered at AMG and are having problems with aTagger, go to the AMG web site and logoff.  You probably want to uncheck the "Log me in automatically" option at the login screen too.'s always something simple, isn't it?  :)
Thanks...that did the trick for me.  Thanks a ton!


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #29 on: July 04, 2005, 07:47:41 pm »

Are you running as a power user?

Administrator. It's not a permissions issue.


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2005, 08:52:29 pm »

Administrator. It's not a permissions issue.

I Googled "IKernel.exe 0x10000" as IKernel.exe has nothing to do with aTagger (at least I didn't write or distribute it).  It appears to be the InstallShield engine.  The error is complaining about an old version of the InstallShield iKernel engine.  See   It says the fix is "If you are attempting to install software over a network connection, copy the installation files to your local hard drive and run the installation from your own computer. "

I hope this helps...  @l@n
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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #31 on: July 05, 2005, 10:12:05 am »

Thanks for checking into it. It does indeed appear to be an InstallShield error, but I'm at a loss as to why. I've *never* seen this problem on my system before, and over the last 2 years I've installed literally dozens and dozens of applications on the computer. The "fix" won't work as I'm not installing aTagger from a network drive. Everything (MC11, aTagger, etc.) resides on the system's local HD. Bizarre.


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #32 on: July 05, 2005, 11:11:25 pm »

Would you guys (and gals) please try the latest version of aTagger v1.2.3 when you have some free time.  I've done tons of testing and bug fixes over the past four days and I believe that this is the best version yet.  It is definitely the best version since the data source web site format was updated a few months back.

The latest & greatest version is available at

Enjoy... @l@n
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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #33 on: July 06, 2005, 07:29:41 am »

Hi @l@n,

I downloaded and installed the new version. When I click on the plugin in MC, I get an error:

Interface plugin 'aTagger' could not be found or created.
I uninstalled the plugin then reinstalled it and no luck.

I'm using build 305.



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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #34 on: July 06, 2005, 09:07:57 am »

Hi @l@n,

I downloaded and installed the new version. When I click on the plugin in MC, I get an error:

Interface plugin 'aTagger' could not be found or created.
I uninstalled the plugin then reinstalled it and no luck.

I'm using build 305.


imjustagamer, I've installed onto 3 machines and I'm not getting any errors at all.  Two of the machines are XP Pro and the third is 2K.  One of the XP machines and the 2K machine previously had v10 on them that has been upgraded to v11 but the other XP Pro machine is a recent install that has never had anything but v11 on it.  Initially all three were running build 298.  Trying to reproduce the problem, I upgraded one of the XP Pro machines to build 305 and it still works just fine.

A couple of things that you might want to try...
1) Run Add/Remove programs; Select Repair;  Test aTagger
2) Run Add/Remove programs; Select Remove; Open regedit and remove any remaining "aTagger" entries; Reinstall aTagger; Test aTagger

Note: When I install aTagger I always select the Everyone option.  I've never tried the other option.  If you are not doing so already, you might select the Everyone option when you install aTagger.

If that doesnt work, hopefully someone will have more suggestions for you to try. 

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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #35 on: July 06, 2005, 10:44:48 am »

The new version seems to work fine for me.

One suggestion:
When aTagger is processing and it pops up that "Interactive Processing" window for me to accept the tag entries I would like the option to "turn on" tag fields which are grayed out. 
For example, I have aTagger set to NOT tag the album name.  I generally like the way my album names are tagged and don't want them changed.  However, sometimes when the Interactive Processing window appears I notice the album title aTagger found is better than the one I have.  I would like to have the ability to click the gray arrow and make it green so aTagger would then write that field for that one specific album.  Thus, it would over ride the settings only for that instance.

Otherwise, it's fantastic!


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #36 on: July 06, 2005, 06:15:28 pm »

Is it possible that you can send me a link for the previous version? I want to see if that will work.....

I'm kinda at a loss...



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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #37 on: July 06, 2005, 07:03:10 pm »

Is it possible that you can send me a link for the previous version? I want to see if that will work.....

The previous version is available at
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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #38 on: July 06, 2005, 07:22:28 pm »

well that didn't work..   :(

I also tried going back a version (MC) and that didn't either.

I was looking around the plugin folder for the dll file, and I can't seem to find it.
Can you tell me what the name is?



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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2005, 07:44:25 pm »

well that didn't work..   :(

I also tried going back a version (MC) and that didn't either.

Had aTagger v1.2.2 worked on you machine before?  If you havent tried it, can you retry the last version that worked for you.  All of the older versions are available at (just replace x_y_z with the version you want to download)

I added a new reference (link to use a system dll) with version v1.2.3.  I'm thinking that you have an old or damaged version of that DLL.  It will take me a few minutes to lookup the actual DLL name but it was the MS HTML Document COM object.  The same one that should be used by Internet explorer.  Are you having problems with Internet explorer?  Have you recently installed an alternate browser? 

Can you run windows update to make sure you have the latest stuff on your machine.

well that didn't work..   :(
I was looking around the plugin folder for the dll file, and I can't seem to find it.
Can you tell me what the name is?

I'm not sure what you are asking???  During the aTagger install, you tell setup where to install aTagger.dll
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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #40 on: July 06, 2005, 07:54:10 pm »

Yep, the previous version worked, but not now.

This is a little odd.... I havern't installed any new internet browsers.



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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #41 on: July 06, 2005, 09:33:22 pm »


I uninstalled MCXML, which I loaded yesturday and re ran the set up for aTagger and verything works!!

Thanks for the help alan!!



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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #42 on: July 06, 2005, 09:37:33 pm »


I uninstalled MCXML, which I loaded yesturday and re ran the set up for aTagger and verything works!!

Thanks for the help alan!!

I'm so glad you got it working!!!  I was completely out of ideas.  :P

Now what do you think?  Is it finding more music than before?

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Tim Harvey

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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #43 on: July 07, 2005, 12:20:02 am »

I'm trying to come up with a method of tagging my video's using data from a website such as  It was suggested in another forum that I look at 'aTagger' and it does sound very interesting.

I can't seem to get anything from just gives me a blank page?

Is the source code made available?  Its possible I could lend some help in making it support IMDB lookups for video or write another plugin based off of it.



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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #44 on: July 07, 2005, 07:10:26 am »

I'm so glad you got it working!!!  I was completely out of ideas.  :P

Now what do you think?  Is it finding more music than before?

I was off to bed when I wrote this, so I didn't have a chance to Test this...

But I did this morning!!
It doesn't seem to pick up anything with ", The" at the end. The prior version wouldn't pick up the ", The" at the end of the Artist, but would for the album. This version will not do either.

I have tried to remove the ", The" and searched again and it comes up with hits. Bands tried

Rolling Stones, The
White Stripes, The
Jeff Healey Band, The
Red Hot Chili Peppers, The


Default   Fallout, The
Pink Floyd Final Cut, The

I have the following settings

I have tried with all the Album and Artist flags checked (Prepend A, strip the etc) and also tried with just Strip ", THe"


It will only pick up the Artist Bios, if the Artist and Album is found.

For Alice Cooper Billion Dollar Babies, it finds everything  Artist info and Album info.
For Alice Cooper Eyes Of Allice Cooper, The it finds nothing. Shouldn't it pick up the Artist info like it did in the first example?

For Nirvana, any album it picks up all the info except for Bios.... I checked the source and there is a Bio for Nirvana,

I am running version 123
Oh and if you click on the plugin, then go anywere else and go back to the plugin it shows error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
If you then click out, then back in a second time it will work.

Thanks for your time and work on this project!



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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #45 on: July 07, 2005, 04:05:37 pm »

I can't seem to get anything from just gives me a blank page?

Tim have you had any luck downloading the latest version of aTagger from  I've tried accessing my server several times today and it was up and working every time I tried.

I'm trying to come up with a method of tagging my video's using data from a website such as  It was suggested in another forum that I look at 'aTagger' and it does sound very interesting.

Is the source code made available?  Its possible I could lend some help in making it support IMDB lookups for video or write another plugin based off of it.

Tim, after you are able to try aTagger, why dont you send me a private message to discuss the source code.  It is about 10,000 lines of C#.  I'm way to busy to start on a new projects as imjustagamer is still finding plenty of aTagger bugs for me to fix  :)
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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #46 on: July 08, 2005, 10:38:34 am »

Wow! I don't check the plugins forum for a few days and look what happens! Thanks for your continued work on this plugin, Alan. I'm excited to try it out with the new bugfixes.


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #47 on: July 08, 2005, 03:29:52 pm »


There are some very silent people her.
I'm one of them. But I tell you: Just great!


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #48 on: July 15, 2005, 06:22:49 am »

Tim have you had any luck downloading the latest version of aTagger from  I've tried accessing my server several times today and it was up and working every time I tried.

Don't know where Tim is trying from, but here in China, your site is blocked.
I have to use 'alternate' means to get to the site and download the file.


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Re: Auto-fill from AllMusicGuide / Atagger
« Reply #49 on: July 17, 2005, 11:38:53 pm »


I uninstalled MCXML, which I loaded yesturday and re ran the set up for aTagger and verything works!!

Thanks for the help alan!!

I duped this as well.  No need to uninstall MCXML though.   You just need to disable it in plugin  manager then restart Media Center.

@l@n, it would be great if you could figure out what the incompatibility between atagger and mcxml is, as I use both quite often and it's getting annoying.
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