I have spent the last several months testing different media players and their corresponding databases. I really like Media Center and I believe that this will be the system I buy. I have a couple of questions that will help finalize my decision.
I know that I can add fields to the database (a great feature). I would like to track multiple chart info on each song. Do I need to add feilds for each different chart or can a linked database store this info? Not every song is on a chart and that would be a lot of wasted space. Can information links such as AMG reviews be stored in the database?
Multi-zone wireless support. I use monkey audio files. I would like to be able to access my music file from my stereo/media center interactively by a stereo/tv system remote contol to select songs/playlists and be able to update file information such as rating song preference. I will want to extend this capability to video files next.
What do you recommend to solve this need.
Finally, is the forum the only means of support?