When importing wave files, analysing and converting them, if you follow the following sequence Media Center hangs and has to be killed.
To reproduce:
Select a group of .wav files
Select Tools => Advanced Tools => Analyse Audio
When analysis is finished, exit from the analysis window.
Without delesecting the group of .wav files, select Tools => Advanced Tools => Convert Format
Media Center hangs, the screen is not refreshed (the Advanced tools menu doesn't clear.) Media center does not respond. Examining the process, Media Center is still getting a small amount of CPU and memory usage is constantly increasing.
Work around: After analysing the .wav files, deselect them, then reselect the same group of files. You can select Tools => Advanced Tools => Convert Format and Media Center works properly.
Media Center Version: 11.0.309
I also experience the problem reported elswhere in this forum when trying to rip with Media Center.
Media Center is a fantastic program. Thank you and keep up the great work!