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Author Topic: New Frontend: Flash and MC??  (Read 1350 times)

Mr Morkey

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New Frontend: Flash and MC??
« on: August 10, 2005, 09:53:07 am »

I'm considering developing a simple frontend for MC that will allow users to create smart playlists really quickly and easily during parties and whatnot....

It's still at the concept stage, but what I require is a method of accessing and querying my MC library, then to generate a smartlist then return info on the previous, current and next track to play.

Additionally, I would want to be able to drill down on the last/current/next playing track and see / queue up other albums / songs by that artist...

Anyway, at the moment, I'm strongly considering using flash (I want to make the interface look and behave a little like Windows Media centre if you get my drift) - does anyone know if controlling MC in the way I have described is actually feasible using Flash? Alternatively, can anyone suggest a development environment that might be better suited to this project?

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Re: New Frontend: Flash and MC??
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2005, 02:45:57 am »

i'm not sure if this supports smartlists.  i think it only support standard playback, but have you checked out Cinemar's MusicLobby?  It's a pretty nice flash front-end for MC, but it costs $.

site is:

The developer's name is Mario I believe.  He posts a lot on (at least he used to) so if you search avsforum for MusicLobby (or the more popular MainLobby), you can probably find some info.

i think MusicLobby was originally a freeware project named Glissando.  the person who created Glissando gave the project to Cinemar, who then continued the development.  if you search either this forum or avsforum, you can find further info on Glissando.   you can probably even download it.  if you can't, let me know as i think i've got it backed up on an old CD-R somewhere. wouldn't take long to hunt it down.
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