There are a number of skins, and they do look great, no doubt about it, but theyre all 'normal,' and mostly metal. I cant help thinking that between us we might manage to come up with an idea for something very different to add to the range. There are some first class skinners here, and who knows, someone just might like one of the ideas and play with it.
Things I like the sound of, but dont have the skills to make, are:
1. Mercury skin. Its metal, but this one looks like liquid mercury snaking around. Reflective silver, rounded, not quite straight lines, and a few leaks of the liquid mercury into neighbouring areas. Buttons might be little round balls of mercury.
2. 1920s or 30s radio skin. There are a few styles to choose from here, I was thinking of the home made ebonite fronted radios of the era, black-brown octagonal knobs, maybe even a variometer on top. Connectors were black, dark red or bare metal, and maybe these could be used for buttons etc
3. Maybe if you really want to push the idea, a foxhole radio style skin. Plenty of free reign for any designer there. Would certainly make a change from the usual smooth finishes
4. Rainbow skin, pastel rainbow borders, mixed pastel buttons.
5. Is it possible to make a skin thats a different random color each time you alt-tab back to MC? Probly not, but would be fun.
You have any ideas?