I think you are making a mistake here. All input plug-ins should show the compressed bitrate (variable if the format is VBR). Showing the decoded bitrate is not the intended purpose of the bitrate display in MC. Otherwise MC should display 1411 also when e.g. MP3 files are played. Showing the compressed bitrate gives some useful information about the file. You can try this with APE files.
The thing is, from browsing Oblong's original plugin, he was doing the same calculation I am. At least as near as I could tell. He was just getting different results (integer math error perhaps). The thing is, we really
are sampling at 1411 kb/s (44100 samples per second). MP3's using e.g. 256 kb/s are reducing the sample rate, hence the loss in the format. Our reduction in file size comes from the ability to compress the encoded samples, not from reduced sampling. It wasn't clear from the SDK what was expected and for their simple WAV example, it didn't matter.
One comment. I went to the FLAC page at sourceforge, and they say the default quality setting is -5, FWIW.
Maybe that's where I saw it. However, the flac.exe help says it defaults to -6.
More and more. The duration shown is wrong, too short seemingly be the inverse of the ratio that bitrate is over-reported. MC will not play the track past its reported duration, it skips to the next track. However, Media Editor, which looks at the decoded WAV, plays it and shows it just fine.
Perhaps you can send me one of the files in question. I tested it on my own library and did not find anything that didn't work. But it's hard to test all the variety of possible errors

Further update. All files are bad. None will obey manual clicking ahead in the progress bar, they simply cut to the next track.
Sorry, scthom, it looked good at the start. I've gone back to your version 1.2001 and it continues to work just fine.
Just to be clear, the encoder version (1.3) is probably not the issue, for these types of errors, it's the decoder (1.0).