I have a library of about 2,500 CD’s in APE format. I use an iPod, so the synchronisation process is slow, as each file has to be converted to MP3. I also use an iShuffle and a thought occurred to me…
If the storage availability exists, I am sure most people chose a non-lossy format. In doing so I also assume that most people update the tags from the library once in a while. [There are some issues there, but that’s another posting for later.]
What I would like is a conversion “service” to take a selection of files based upon tagging criteria and convert them on a regular basis ( if changes have been made ) so as to keep a replica of an APE library in MP3.
For instance:-
i) Select all songs rated 5Star and convert to 128bitMP3 – e.g. for an iShuffle
ii) Select all songs rated 3 star & above and convert to VBRMP3 – e.g. for an iPod.
And this runs as a task daily, or maybe as a “service” with a low priority. I believe the latter choice may not work as the APE conversion is somewhat archaic and cannot be prioritised.
Is this workable in MC??