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Author Topic: edit selected item disabled?  (Read 2231 times)


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edit selected item disabled?
« on: October 11, 2005, 08:24:23 pm »

Just downloaded a trial version and tried to import two dvds of mp3s.  the first imported fine, the second import didnt seem to use the dvd volume label and instead called it 'Unnamed Disc (2)'

When I attempt to change the name of it, when right clicking  Edit Selected Item  is greyed out.  What am I doing wrong?

here is a screencap:


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Re: edit selected item disabled?
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2005, 02:19:18 am »

you are using a "disc location" view. You can't edit from there as the DVD is read-only.

look in the tree, under "media library > advanced > Cd and DVD". Now, I don't have that viewscheme here anymore, but if my memory serves me right, it uses the [volume name] field. You should find you can perform your edit from there.

On a side note, before you go too much further, here's something else for you to consider...

Importing offline media into your main library can lead to many problems. None of them critical, but most all of them will get very tiresome very quickly.
they will get caught up in your smartlist results for example, and if the the disc is not present in the drive, MC will begin complaining.

MC keeps track of all your offline media in the CD database that's used for the viewscheme I mentioned above. Have a poke around in there, see what you think, and if you have any other questions, just fire away.


ps. In case you were wondering, I ditched my Cd & DVD viewscheme in favour of "whereisit?"


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Re: edit selected item disabled?
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2005, 02:44:48 am »

ps. In case you were wondering, I ditched my Cd & DVD viewscheme in favour of "whereisit?"

That's a pity because i was thinking of going in the opposite direction ;)

I guess for now the workaround is to mantain 2 separate libraries, one for offline and other for online content. It's easy enough to switch between libraries ie  (File->Library (take your pick).

But this isn't ideal. Possibly a good area to expand in 11.1.
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