This is an idea posting for the developers. I would like to add image art to the tags of my files without having to open the image selection window for each image and have it close after an image is selected. I would like to have the window showing the images remain open and available for selection as I move from file to file in MC. I would like to "drag and drop" images from the window showing the images onto the MC library and have that image added to the file on which the image was dropped. This would greatly facilitate adding images to several files. Furthermore, if I select an image already in a file (by clicking on the image field in the library) I want to be able to remove (or copy) it from the file by dragging and dropping it into the window showing the available images. So many programs already have converted to a "drag and drop" graphical paradigm for updating files or other data, lets get this boon to editing incorporated into MC!