Hay all,
I would definitely pay for an 'enhanced' server, just how much would depend on what it offers.
I agree with Glynor - the suggestions are a nice solid basic to a powerful server system. A strong permission based access system is key. It would be possible to configure the server to stream to 'basic' users, and give more control to admins to maintain the library.
With multiple users ability to modify certain aspects of the library, it would be encouraged that backups are made when a change to the library occurs. These backups can also be earmarked with the user who actuated them for tracking purposes.
Configurability would be another issue to tackle. Sidetracking for a moment, I love passwords and security when it is guarding valuable data, but I hate typing passwords and users out millions of times. I would like to see the option to enable basic users to access the music anonymously (read-only of course), while admins must enter a password. Of course this setting should be configurable on or off.
Having read over Glynor's post - I realize that I have simply paraphrased his post - I guess I just needed to understand it a bit better.
Last, but not least, I would like to see the ability of users to create playlists that remain when MC is restarted. eg. user FJ logs on, adds his songs to a playlist then logs off. Later he starts MC and when loading the library file his playlists are also retrieved.
(I believe this feature is lacking in MC11, user playlists are not even stored locally (or within win profile) although library settings, skins etc are)
That's my 4 cents for now. I have more ideas, but I should really be studying for uni - I'll get back at this thread soon.