Hey - I am just trying to help - no need to try to make me feel like an idiot - I am just telling you what I saw happen. I do have the settings - Artist/Album - set as you previously mentioned.
I Don't know where you got this from.
As for overwriting art - that is why I suggested putting in option that doesn't always overwrite - instead skip getting the art from the server if there is already art in the folder / or it if the art in the folder is larger,etc.
I Just Checked It Does Not Overwrite Art If You Have Art Unless You Tell It To, However If One Of The Media Files In That Album Does Not Have Art It May (Depending On Settings). So What I Have Done Is Add A Line Of Code That Will Check For Art That You Already Have For That Album. If It Finds It Then It Will Use Local Art You Already Have.
It Should Show Up like This Below (Depending On Your MC Settings) In The Log After Attempting To Upload Your Art
Using Art In Cover Art Folder: C:\Cover Art\Garth Brooks - Fresh Horses.jpg
Using Art In Cover Art Folder: C:\My Music\Garth Brooks\Garth Brooks - Fresh Horses.jpg
Using Art In Cover Art Folder: C:\My Music\Garth Brooks\Folder.jpgPlease Let Me Know If That Works Better For You, It Seems To Be Working Better Here Now.
As for the one instance that I noticed and stopped it before it overwrote all my files or messed up your database - The album I have is - AM GOLD 1969 - song # 13 - Jay And The Americans - This Magic Moment - once your program identified this song on the album - it assigned Jay and The Americans Greatest Hits cover art to this folder on my computer and associated all the songs on AM GOLD 1969 - with that art - as I previously mentioned - I took the time to go back and manually delete these through your program so they wouldn't be messed up in your database........
It Will Not Do That Unless A User Uploads The Art For "Jay and The Americans Greatest Hits" As "AM GOLD 1969" There Is No Way To Keep A User From Doing This. If A User Uploads Art For That Album That Is Wrong That's How It Will be, Wrong.
I Was thinking At Some Point Refuse Uploading Of Any More Images For A Album Once The Server Has Good Art For That Album. But That Would Be Sometime Down The Road. But I Was Thinking Maybe Limiting The Number Of Images In A Folder Like For A Album Limit Of 5, Song Limit Of 10 And Artist Limit it to 50. And That Could Easily Be Done. Right Now I Need To Collect As Much Art As I Can.
And with 38,000K+ songs - manual mode is not an option for me - and as far as uploading all my art to your server - If you have to catalog everyone of the songs to a picture (because when I was watching your program run - it uploaded the same image for each song on an album)- as opposed to once per ARTIST/ALBUM - It probably would take over a week to be done.
38,000 May Take Some Time But I Would Like The Art Work.

It Uploads The File 3 Times Under Album Name, Song Name And Artist Name. If It Has Already Been Uploaded Under Album Name Or Artist Name It Does Not Upload It Again. It Will However Upload It For Each Song Name However Since This Will Be Used To Allow Users To Match That With Art Even If The Album Name Maybe Different. And That's Why A User Should Used The Preferred "Album\Artist" Mode.
The Program Also Uploads Some Text Files:
AlbumName.txt, And
SongName.txt To The Folders That Do Not Already Have The Text. This Is So In The Future I Can Scan The Folders And Get Text Information About What Should Be In That Folder. And If It Is Not The Same As The text Info I Can Delete The Cover Art. Basically To Clean Things Up A Bit.
It Would be Nice If If Getting Art Was A Perfect World Bu No Matter What Using This Or MC's Cover Art Finder, You Will Always Have A Chance That The Art Is Not Correct For Your Music. As A Matter Of Fact The Same Album May Have Different Art Depending On What Year The New Burn Was Done In And They Changed The Art For Some Given Reason.
I Have Thought Using OCR (Character Recognition) Software Could Scan The Album Art And Figure Out What The Art Actually Is For. That Would Be Cool but I Don't Have A Load Of Money Laying Around. One Control I Looked At They Wanted Over $5,000 For they Must be On Some Sort Of Drugs.