You said would customers be willing to pay more to not have adverts.
Well it would obviously depend person by person.
Once they can start offering adverts on demand I think they should also start providing the option of 'no adverts on demand' for an extra fee.
If I lived in the states I would pay this in an instant.
I couldn't believe it on my vists there. You guys have more adverts than show practically speaking. Between shows you had a set of ad's come on just before the final credits, then the credits, then an add, then credits for the next show, then an add after the credits.
To me this isn't TV, that's advertising with breaks for the tv show.
LUCKILY england isn't that bad. We just have the show ends, the credits, an add, then the next credits for the next show then the show itself without all the add's in between.
The BBC in england isn't subsidised by adverts, it's purely from our licences and people LOVE the fact there are no add's in it. If a film is on two channels it's definitely the better channel to watch it on.
I dont mind adverts based on what I'm watching because this isn't recording or knowing what I'm specifically watching, it's just saying ok - this is a gardenning show, lets put adds to do with gardenning in with it. It's generalised advertising data.
And Jim - you say we have a choice, but realistically we dont. Our choice is basically watch cable or dont. It's a choice, but it's like giving someone a choice of breaking a finger or would they rather a toe. Neither are things they want so they just choose the least evil. If they had a choice of cable with or without whatever they would choose without but they dont get that choice.
They get either cable with the changes they hate or 4 channels to watch, not really a choice.