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Author Topic: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta  (Read 5813 times)


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Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« on: December 05, 2005, 05:18:42 pm »

This is a beta version of MC 11.1.  It will work with the same MC11 license that 11.0 uses.  Please post only bugs here.  Anything requiring discussion should go in a new thread.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved. 

PRICES for MC11.0 and 11.1 are here:;action=display;threadid=23311

The public release version of Media Center 11.0 is available here: (recommended for new users)

This latest build of MC11.1 Beta is here:

11.1.72 (12/5/05)

1. Fixed: After switching among multiple CD drives for burning, the "start burn" button could fail to work.
2. Changed: MC will no longer attempt to download an input plugin.
3. Fixed: When playing multiple AAC files multiple ffdshow icons appear in the Notification tray.
4. Fixed: Files with invalid or missing file dates could fail to import or cause other strange problems.
5. NEW: Added CD / DVD support to the automation SDK. (pMJ->GetCDDVD(...))
6. Fixed: Library Browser "Clear Selection" button was not working.
7. Changed: Tuned the font sizing of Library Browser tabs.
8. Changed: Removed the A...Z links from Library Browser.
9. NEW: Added SyncrhonizeZones to the zones SDK.
10. Fixed: Visualization Studio was not avaialble in the right-click menu when looking at a visualization.
11. Changed: TV aspect ratio defaults to "Source" instead of "4:3".
12. Changed: TV always sets image control settings upon start, either using stored values or using device's default values.
13. New: An option to disable album art transfer to portable devices.
14. Fixed: CD ripping wasn't working on Windows 98.
15. Fixed: Playcount sync for iPod Shuffle.

11.1.71 (12/1/05)

1. Fixed: On a fresh install, the Media Center SDK (com object) would not get registered.
2. Changed: iPod right click 'Volume Adjustment' option allows a volume increase or decrease during playback on iPod if Soundcheck is disabled. When SoundCheck is enabled on iPod, this setting is ignored and the MC Replay Gain value is applied.
3. Fixed: Network share files wouldn't always play / import properly. (introduced in build 65)
4. NEW: Media Center natively plays m4a files through its audio engine when the appropriate filters are installed. (enabling cross-fading, ASIO, visualizations, etc.)
5. Changed: Slight re-arrangement of CD options page for clarity (and renamed from "Devices" to "CD").
6. Changed: Improved messaging (guidance) provided and added ability to restore from backup if libraries fail to load.

11.1.70 (12/1/05)

1. Fixed: When starting a handheld sync from the view header, the status column wouldn't update right away to show the upload status.
2. Changed: Starting handheld syncs from the Action Window or view header will both show progress for the transfer in the Action Window.
3. Fixed: Artwork sizes for iPod Nano and iPod 5g were not being loaded properly -- causing artwork to look wrong. (if you see this, reinitialize the iPod to fix)

11.1.69 (12/1/05)

1. Fixed: Customized Podcast feeds could get replaced by the default feeds on the first run.
2. Fixed: Podcast files that hadn't been downloaded were not playable. (must delete files from Podcast and let the reappear to fix)

11.1.67 (11/30/05)

1. NEW: Audible transfers; Added dialog box to Activate Portable Device if needed during Audible file transfers.
2. Fixed: Did not properly purge Podcast episodes based on orphan file count or orphan MB used.
3. Fixed: Media Center MP3 playback no longer hiccups when playing spliced / or slightly invalid MP3 files that have rewind overflows.
4. Changed: Windows MCE remote (and other remotes that send messages directly to the focused window) work in all Media Center views instead of just standard view.
5. Optimized: Improved file transfer method for iPod and drive based devices to improve speed and minimize file fragmentation.
6. Changed: Some stock Podcast feeds appear by default.
7. Optimized: Ipod artwork database is written and compacted in a much more efficient manner, removing any lags previously caused by fragmentation.
8. Fixed: If Media Center was improperly shut down (system crash, etc.) while Library Browser was visible, the library could fail to load on MC restart in some cases.
9. NEW: Media Center automatically creates library backups every 3 days, and also creates monthly images. (and intelligently cleans up old backups)

New Features in MC 11.1
Podcasting support
Much improved handheld support for iPod, PlayforSure devices, and many others
Configurable locations for all media types on handhelds
iPod Shuffle and Nano support
Album art on iPods that support it
Automatic backup of library
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2005, 11:09:29 pm »

Cover Art is not being displayed with Visualizations done wth Visualization  Studio.

I have my covert art as folder.jpg in the album directory and I have the image field set to COVER_ART in vis. studio, has this changed?



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Re: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2005, 12:57:58 am »

I haven't tried it in 72 yet, but these issues exist in 71 and they're not mentioned as fixed...

1. When playing from a Library Server often a few seconds into a new track the playback pauses for a few seconds and then continues. BTW, my buffer is set to 4 seconds, which might be just about how long it plays before the pause occurs. Note this doesn't always happen, just sometimes.

2. When playing from a Library Server sometimes a track will just stop in the middle. I've waited as much as a minute to 2 and it does not continue. When this happens I click Skip to go to the next track and it is fine.

3. I was syncing to my iPod Nano today and clicked cancel because the one track I wanted was already synced and I didn't have time to wait for the rest to convert on sync. Unfortunately when you cancel it doesn't appear to update the iPod's database with info on the synced tracks. Is there any way to cancel a sync and have the tracks that completed fully accessible from the iPod?


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Re: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2005, 01:55:59 am »

Some bugs I noticed in 71 which do not seem to be fixed in 72:

  • when importing files, a playlist is created for every imported file, containing only that file
  • in my 'smartlists' folder, a smart playlist was created for every preset that exists to create smart playlists.
  • when burning a cd, MC appears to hang after decoding the first track
  • mp4 playback works but replaygain analysis does not. (first track gets to 99%, then nothing else happens.)
  • Cover art for mp4 files does not work

The mp4 problems are due to the fact that it's brand new in MC I'm sure...Using directshow none of my mp4 files skip during playback (which was the case when using quicktime through MC). So congratulations on adding this feature. Also Ipod support does seem much better than before.



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Re: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2005, 07:12:58 am »

Not sure why the removal of the A-Z links in the Library Browser but if it's going to stay that way at least support typing a letter and going to that position in the library browser. Right now if there's a lot of entries, there's a lot of scrolling to get to various points.

Also, I reported this below and never saw a reply. In mini-view, when the last song is played in playing now, it stays on the last song instead of going back to "Media Center - 11" like it used to do and like Standard View does. I can't tell if the playing now is complete or if media center got stuck without having to pull up the playlist.


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Re: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2005, 09:08:31 am »

Qythyx and Trott,
If you plan to be part of the beta process, please always download the latest build and confirm that the bug you've found is still there.  Reports for old builds may be deleted.



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Re: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2005, 10:05:36 am »

Some bugs I noticed in 71 which do not seem to be fixed in 72:

  • when burning a cd, MC appears to hang after decoding the first track
Are these MP4 files you are burning?
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2005, 11:57:05 am »

If you rip a CD with other songs already in the recently ripped playlist, when the rip is completed all the songs in that playlist will have the same album name.  I noticed this in the last version and it is still that way in the latest version.


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Re: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2005, 02:15:36 pm »

8. Changed: Removed the A...Z links from Library Browser.

Can we ask why?  It's an enormous time saver if you have a very large library.

Can it be made optional please?


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Re: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2005, 02:47:28 pm »

Can we ask why?  It's an enormous time saver if you have a very large library.


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Re: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2005, 03:49:23 pm »

13. New: An option to disable album art transfer to portable devices.

A lot of thanks !


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Re: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2005, 04:55:56 pm »

Since 11.1 no support for radio streaming, specifically mp3.  Is this something that will be addressed soon?

John Gateley

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Re: Media Center 11.1.72 Beta
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2005, 05:04:10 pm »

Radio streams are working in the next build.

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