RiderFan, Glad you're happy now.
I think what you mean is that WMP uses the exact same files, from the exact same locations. WMP and MC each have their own libraries, or database structures, if you prefer.
I think you are talking about presentation methods here?
if I type [Album]=[Greatest Hits] into my search bar, I get 10 "Greatest Hits" albums from 10 different artists, but according to MC's statistics (in the action window: file properties > statistics > overview) overview, there is only one album.
Is that the anomaly to which you are referring?
It's something that does not really cause me any problems, and I have never felt the need to place the artists names in the album field to differentiate between them.
If I'm on the right track, I'd still be interested in hearing what it was that caused you to bump into this slight shortcoming, as there's every chance that there may be "... a faster way to do it ..." and you could wind up with some tips that could make your trial a more enjoyable experience.
If I'm way off track, please, just ignore me, I'll go away